Explore quantum applications

While the full scope of quantum computing's impact remains to be seen, the Quantum AI team and its collaborators are actively exploring near-term and long-term applications across industries.

Beyond benchmarks to real-world applications

Quantum computing is rapidly evolving, transitioning from early explorations of benchmark tasks to more practical applications. Our goal is to identify realistic applications for quantum computers before developing a fault-tolerant quantum computer.

Performing benchmark tasks

Early quantum exploration involves using quantum computers to explore benchmark tasks. Researchers created simulators to observe quantum algorithms in ideal conditions to help prepare for experiments on actual quantum hardware.

Embracing current NISQ applications

Our exploration of Noisy, Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) applications aims to identify a realistic path toward using current quantum systems to solve scientific and industrial problems before developing a fault tolerant quantum computer.

Looking at the fault tolerant future

The full potential of quantum computing will be unlocked with a large-scale computer capable of complex, error-corrected computations. Google Quantum AI's mission is to build this computer and unlock solutions to classically intractable problems.


Future uses for quantum computing

Quantum computing matters because of the revolutionary potential of its future applications. Quantum computers will be instrumental in modeling inherently quantum mechanical phenomena—problems with a "hidden structure" that can't be seen with a classical computer.

Drug discovery

Classical computers can't precisely simulate drug molecules, so robust experimentation is still needed to screen promising drug candidates. Quantum computers are ideal for getting precise simulations of how potential drugs interact with complex biological molecules. This may help researchers better identify drug candidates – and ultimately improve healthcare worldwide.

Industrial chemistry

Quantum computers could help make critical chemical processes safer and more efficient to benefit both people and the environment. For example, ammonia is one of the most common industrial chemicals in the world, most often used in agricultural fertilization and pharmaceuticals. However, ammonia production alone contributes 2-3% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Using quantum computers to better simulate the chemical reactions used to produce ammonia could make ammonia manufacturing more efficient and lower emissions.

Sustainable technology

Quantum computers will provide detailed electrochemical battery simulations that can lead to higher-performing batteries and get the industry up to speed with other green technologies—giving us electric vehicles that charge faster and drive further, all while on a grid with a 24/7 renewable power supply. Quantum computers may also help fight climate change in other ways, like improving nuclear fusion reactor designs through physics simulations.

Fundamental physics research

Though they're not yet fully corrected, today's quantum processors can still support breakthrough physics research. They've already seeded now-ubiquitous technologies like GPS, silicon computer chips, and MRI machines. Most recently, the Google Quantum AI team and collaborators conducted experiments to study quantum gravity, molecular structures, interacting particles of light, and exotic phases of matter. Additional physics breakthroughs could unlock new technologies, like loss-free power grids.

Featured applications research

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