Isolated XEB

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    import cirq
except ImportError:
    print("installing cirq...")
    !pip install --quiet cirq
    print("installed cirq.")

This notebook demonstrates how to use the functionality in cirq.experiments to run Isolated XEB end-to-end. "Isolated" means we do one pair of qubits at a time.

import cirq
import numpy as np

Set up Random Circuits

We create a library of 20 random, two-qubit circuits using the sqrt(ISWAP) gate on the two qubits we've chosen.

from cirq.experiments import random_quantum_circuit_generation as rqcg

circuits = rqcg.generate_library_of_2q_circuits(
# We will truncate to these lengths
max_depth = 100
cycle_depths = np.arange(3, max_depth, 20)
array([ 3, 23, 43, 63, 83])

Set up a Sampler.

For demonstration, we'll use a density matrix simulator to sample noisy samples. However, input a device_name (and have an authenticated Google Cloud project name set as your GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT environment variable) to run on a real device.

device_name = None  # change me!

if device_name is None:
    sampler = cirq.DensityMatrixSimulator(noise=cirq.depolarize(5e-3))
    import cirq_google as cg
    sampler = cg.get_engine_sampler(device_name, gate_set_name='sqrt_iswap')
    device = cg.get_engine_device(device_name)

    import cirq.contrib.routing as ccr
    graph = ccr.gridqubits_to_graph_device(device.qubits)
    pos = {q: (q.row, q.col) for q in graph.nodes}
    import networkx as nx
    nx.draw_networkx(graph, pos=pos)

Take Data

from cirq.experiments.xeb_sampling import sample_2q_xeb_circuits
sampled_df = sample_2q_xeb_circuits(
100%|██████████| 108/108 [00:22<00:00,  4.80it/s]

Benchmark fidelities

from cirq.experiments.xeb_fitting import benchmark_2q_xeb_fidelities
fids = benchmark_2q_xeb_fidelities(
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

# Exponential reference
xx = np.linspace(0, fids['cycle_depth'].max())
plt.plot(xx, (1-5e-3)**(4*xx), label=r'Exponential Reference')

def _p(fids):
    plt.plot(fids['cycle_depth'], fids['fidelity'], 'o-', = 'Sampled'

plt.ylabel('Circuit fidelity')
plt.xlabel('Cycle Depth $d$')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f51c0ffe2f0>


Optimize PhasedFSimGate parameters

We know what circuits we requested, and in this simulated example, we know what coherent error has happened. But in a real experiment, there is likely unknown coherent error that you would like to characterize. Therefore, we make the five angles in PhasedFSimGate free parameters and use a classical optimizer to find which set of parameters best describes the data we collected from the noisy simulator (or device, if this was a real experiment).

import multiprocessing
pool = multiprocessing.get_context('spawn').Pool()
from cirq.experiments.xeb_fitting import (

# Set which angles we want to characterize (all)
options = SqrtISwapXEBOptions(
    characterize_theta = True,
    characterize_zeta = True,
    characterize_chi = True,
    characterize_gamma = True,
    characterize_phi = True
# Parameterize the sqrt(iswap)s in our circuit library
pcircuits = [parameterize_circuit(circuit, options) for circuit in circuits]

# Run the characterization loop
characterization_result = characterize_phased_fsim_parameters_with_xeb(
    # ease tolerance so it converges faster:
Simulating with theta =  -0.785 zeta  =       0 chi   =       0 gamma =       0 phi   =       0 
Loss:   0.531
Simulating with theta =  -0.685 zeta  =       0 chi   =       0 gamma =       0 phi   =       0 
Loss:   0.586
Simulating with theta =  -0.785 zeta  =     0.1 chi   =       0 gamma =       0 phi   =       0 
Loss:   0.551
Simulating with theta =  -0.785 zeta  =       0 chi   =     0.1 gamma =       0 phi   =       0 
Loss:   0.572
Simulating with theta =  -0.785 zeta  =       0 chi   =       0 gamma =     0.1 phi   =       0 
Loss:   0.584
Simulating with theta =  -0.785 zeta  =       0 chi   =       0 gamma =       0 phi   =     0.1 
Loss:   0.559
Simulating with theta =  -0.885 zeta  =    0.04 chi   =    0.04 gamma =    0.04 phi   =    0.04 
Loss:   0.626
Simulating with theta =  -0.735 zeta  =    0.01 chi   =    0.01 gamma =    0.01 phi   =    0.01 
Loss:   0.546
Simulating with theta =  -0.765 zeta  =   0.044 chi   =   0.044 gamma =  -0.096 phi   =   0.044 
Loss:   0.567
Simulating with theta =  -0.757 zeta  =  0.0616 chi   = -0.0784 gamma = -0.0344 phi   =  0.0616 
Loss:   0.568
Simulating with theta =  -0.764 zeta  =  0.0462 chi   = -0.0338 gamma = -0.0258 phi   =  0.0462 
Loss:   0.541
Simulating with theta =  -0.777 zeta  =  0.0185 chi   = -0.0535 gamma =  0.0897 phi   =  0.0185 
Loss:   0.594
Simulating with theta =  -0.768 zeta  =  0.0376 chi   =  0.0196 gamma = -0.0496 phi   =  0.0376 
Loss:   0.543
Simulating with theta =   -0.75 zeta  =  0.0775 chi   = -0.00167 gamma = -0.0262 phi   = -0.0625 
Loss:   0.554
Simulating with theta =  -0.759 zeta  =  0.0581 chi   = -0.00125 gamma = -0.0196 phi   = -0.0219 
Loss:   0.538
Simulating with theta =   -0.74 zeta  = -0.0392 chi   = -0.00217 gamma =  -0.034 phi   =  0.0288 
Loss:   0.553
Simulating with theta =  -0.774 zeta  =  0.0652 chi   = -0.000543 gamma = -0.0085 phi   =  0.0072 
Loss:   0.535
Simulating with theta =  -0.805 zeta  =  0.0729 chi   = -0.0164 gamma = -0.0514 phi   =  0.0177 
Loss:   0.553
Simulating with theta =  -0.753 zeta  =  0.0257 chi   =  0.0034 gamma = -0.00535 phi   =  0.0119 
Loss:   0.535
Simulating with theta =  -0.766 zeta  =  0.0405 chi   = -0.0325 gamma =  0.0259 phi   = -0.0202 
Loss:   0.537
Simulating with theta =   -0.77 zeta  =  0.0296 chi   =  0.0214 gamma =  0.0228 phi   = -0.0554 
Loss:    0.53
Simulating with theta =  -0.773 zeta  =  0.0213 chi   =  0.0491 gamma =   0.047 phi   =  -0.106 
Loss:    0.54
Simulating with theta =   -0.78 zeta  = 0.00626 chi   = -0.00202 gamma =  0.0335 phi   = -0.000752 
Loss:   0.537
Simulating with theta =  -0.775 zeta  =  0.0192 chi   = -0.00183 gamma =  0.0202 phi   = -0.00603 
Loss:    0.53
Simulating with theta =  -0.777 zeta  =  0.0154 chi   =  0.0415 gamma = -0.0142 phi   = 0.00331 
Loss:   0.538
Simulating with theta =  -0.769 zeta  =  0.0342 chi   =  -0.014 gamma =  0.0159 phi   = -0.0143 
Loss:   0.531
Simulating with theta =  -0.767 zeta  = -0.0217 chi   = 0.00415 gamma =  0.0299 phi   = -0.0327 
Loss:   0.535
Simulating with theta =  -0.794 zeta  = -0.00116 chi   =  0.0005 gamma =  0.0409 phi   = -0.0553 
Loss:    0.53
Simulating with theta =   -0.79 zeta  =  0.0544 chi   = -0.0017 gamma = 0.00998 phi   = -0.0197 
Loss:   0.532
Simulating with theta =  -0.785 zeta  =  0.0354 chi   = -0.000241 gamma =   0.015 phi   =  -0.023 
Loss:   0.528
Simulating with theta =  -0.795 zeta  = -0.000979 chi   =   0.022 gamma =  0.0237 phi   = -0.0415 
Loss:   0.529
Simulating with theta =  -0.782 zeta  =  0.0328 chi   =  0.0167 gamma =   0.049 phi   = -0.0725 
Loss:   0.528
Simulating with theta =   -0.78 zeta  =  0.0493 chi   =  0.0251 gamma =  0.0735 phi   =  -0.109 
Loss:   0.535
Simulating with theta =  -0.795 zeta  =  0.0191 chi   =   0.026 gamma =  0.0403 phi   =  -0.093 
Loss:   0.535
Simulating with theta =   -0.78 zeta  =  0.0192 chi   = 0.00512 gamma =  0.0252 phi   = -0.0278 
Loss:   0.528
Simulating with theta =  -0.771 zeta  =  0.0476 chi   =  0.0255 gamma =  0.0134 phi   = -0.0327 
Loss:   0.532
Simulating with theta =  -0.788 zeta  =   0.011 chi   = 0.00675 gamma =   0.034 phi   = -0.0497 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.802 zeta  = 0.00938 chi   = -0.00132 gamma =   0.036 phi   = -0.0304 
Loss:   0.532
Simulating with theta =  -0.778 zeta  =  0.0246 chi   =  0.0158 gamma =  0.0261 phi   = -0.0491 
Loss:   0.528
Simulating with theta =   -0.77 zeta  =  0.0502 chi   = -0.00431 gamma =   0.036 phi   = -0.0473 
Loss:   0.531
Simulating with theta =  -0.789 zeta  =  0.0118 chi   =  0.0154 gamma =  0.0268 phi   =  -0.043 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.782 zeta  = 0.00436 chi   =  0.0241 gamma =  0.0495 phi   = -0.0739 
Loss:   0.528
Simulating with theta =  -0.785 zeta  = -0.00447 chi   =  0.0101 gamma =  0.0156 phi   = -0.0249 
Loss:   0.529
Simulating with theta =  -0.783 zeta  =  0.0235 chi   =  0.0151 gamma =  0.0407 phi   = -0.0606 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.785 zeta  =  0.0317 chi   = -0.000901 gamma =  0.0116 phi   = -0.0182 
Loss:   0.528
Simulating with theta =  -0.783 zeta  =  0.0112 chi   =  0.0179 gamma =    0.04 phi   = -0.0599 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.791 zeta  = 0.00614 chi   = 0.00833 gamma =  0.0406 phi   = -0.0472 
Loss:   0.528
Simulating with theta =  -0.781 zeta  =    0.02 chi   =  0.0139 gamma =  0.0297 phi   = -0.0487 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =   -0.79 zeta  =  0.0118 chi   =  0.0225 gamma =  0.0432 phi   =  -0.077 
Loss:   0.529
Simulating with theta =  -0.782 zeta  =  0.0173 chi   = 0.00946 gamma =  0.0297 phi   = -0.0401 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.779 zeta  =  0.0225 chi   =  0.0219 gamma =  0.0328 phi   = -0.0512 
Loss:   0.528
Simulating with theta =  -0.786 zeta  =  0.0139 chi   =  0.0105 gamma =  0.0337 phi   = -0.0501 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.777 zeta  =  0.0225 chi   =  0.0114 gamma =  0.0427 phi   = -0.0608 
Loss:   0.528
Simulating with theta =  -0.786 zeta  =  0.0145 chi   =  0.0144 gamma =  0.0308 phi   = -0.0474 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.785 zeta  = 0.00723 chi   =  0.0114 gamma =  0.0249 phi   = -0.0379 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.783 zeta  =  0.0194 chi   =  0.0142 gamma =  0.0367 phi   = -0.0549 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.787 zeta  =  0.0106 chi   =  0.0127 gamma =  0.0387 phi   = -0.0523 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.787 zeta  =  0.0191 chi   = 0.00661 gamma =  0.0278 phi   =  -0.038 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.784 zeta  =  0.0132 chi   =  0.0151 gamma =   0.037 phi   = -0.0544 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.783 zeta  =  0.0161 chi   =  0.0157 gamma =  0.0355 phi   = -0.0496 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.782 zeta  =  0.0172 chi   =  0.0183 gamma =  0.0363 phi   = -0.0494 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.781 zeta  =  0.0216 chi   =  0.0149 gamma =  0.0292 phi   = -0.0463 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.785 zeta  =  0.0134 chi   =  0.0132 gamma =  0.0363 phi   = -0.0508 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.781 zeta  =  0.0173 chi   =  0.0127 gamma =  0.0393 phi   = -0.0525 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.785 zeta  =  0.0152 chi   =   0.014 gamma =  0.0329 phi   = -0.0487 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.785 zeta  =  0.0106 chi   =  0.0128 gamma =  0.0318 phi   = -0.0425 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.786 zeta  =  0.0101 chi   =  0.0189 gamma =  0.0396 phi   = -0.0584 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.783 zeta  =  0.0155 chi   =  0.0118 gamma =  0.0322 phi   = -0.0446 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.785 zeta  =  0.0152 chi   =   0.012 gamma =  0.0305 phi   = -0.0401 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.785 zeta  =  0.0162 chi   =  0.0104 gamma =  0.0273 phi   = -0.0329 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.784 zeta  =  0.0195 chi   =  0.0139 gamma =  0.0351 phi   =  -0.051 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.784 zeta  =  0.0129 chi   =  0.0131 gamma =  0.0326 phi   = -0.0446 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.784 zeta  =   0.014 chi   =  0.0124 gamma =  0.0339 phi   = -0.0432 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.784 zeta  =  0.0143 chi   =  0.0128 gamma =  0.0337 phi   = -0.0446 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.782 zeta  =  0.0162 chi   =  0.0129 gamma =  0.0295 phi   = -0.0386 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.784 zeta  =  0.0144 chi   =  0.0148 gamma =  0.0325 phi   = -0.0424 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.784 zeta  =  0.0138 chi   =  0.0163 gamma =  0.0327 phi   = -0.0412 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.786 zeta  =  0.0127 chi   =   0.015 gamma =  0.0365 phi   = -0.0494 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.784 zeta  =   0.016 chi   =  0.0156 gamma =  0.0349 phi   = -0.0453 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.785 zeta  =  0.0152 chi   =  0.0171 gamma =  0.0343 phi   = -0.0457 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.786 zeta  =  0.0129 chi   =  0.0146 gamma =  0.0321 phi   = -0.0391 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.785 zeta  =   0.013 chi   =  0.0195 gamma =  0.0376 phi   = -0.0482 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.785 zeta  =  0.0136 chi   =  0.0176 gamma =  0.0359 phi   = -0.0462 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.784 zeta  =  0.0159 chi   =  0.0175 gamma =  0.0314 phi   = -0.0375 
Loss:   0.527
Simulating with theta =  -0.784 zeta  =  0.0151 chi   =  0.0168 gamma =  0.0327 phi   = -0.0405 
Loss:   0.527
{(cirq.GridQubit(4, 4), cirq.GridQubit(4, 5)): {'theta': -0.78412228525473,
  'zeta': 0.01376602370723885,
  'chi': 0.01626017388052132,
  'gamma': 0.032655490438939935,
  'phi': -0.0412064179844695} }
from cirq.experiments.xeb_fitting import before_and_after_characterization
before_after_df = before_and_after_characterization(fids, characterization_result)
from cirq.experiments.xeb_fitting import exponential_decay

for i, row in before_after_df.iterrows():
    plt.axhline(1, color='grey', ls='--')
    plt.plot(row['cycle_depths_0'], row['fidelities_0'], '*', color='red')
    plt.plot(row['cycle_depths_c'], row['fidelities_c'], 'o', color='blue')

    xx = np.linspace(0, np.max(row['cycle_depths_0']))
    plt.plot(xx, exponential_decay(xx, a=row['a_0'], layer_fid=row['layer_fid_0']), color='red')
    plt.plot(xx, exponential_decay(xx, a=row['a_c'], layer_fid=row['layer_fid_c']), color='blue')
