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import cirq
except ImportError:
print("installing cirq...")
!pip install --quiet cirq~=1.0.dev
print("installed cirq.")
This notebook demonstrates how to use the functionality in cirq.experiments
to run parallel XEB end-to-end. "Parallel" means we characterize multiple pairs simultaneously.
import cirq
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
Parallel XEB with library functions
The entire XEB workflow can be run by calling cirq.experiments.parallel_two_qubit_xeb
and the combined single-qubit randomized benchmarking (RB) and XEB workflows can be run by calling cirq.experiments.run_rb_and_xeb
# Simulation
qubits = cirq.GridQubit.rect(3, 2, 4, 3)
result = cirq.experiments.parallel_two_qubit_xeb(
sampler=cirq.DensityMatrixSimulator(noise=cirq.depolarize(5e-3), dtype=np.complex128), # Any simulator or a ProcessorSampler.
100%|██████████| 243/243 [03:15<00:00, 1.24it/s]
# The returned result is an instance of the `TwoQubitXEBResult` class which provides visualization methods like
result.plot_heatmap(); # plot the heatmap of XEB errors
result.plot_fitted_exponential(*qubits[:2]); # plot the fitted model of xeb error of a qubit pair.
result.plot_histogram(); # plot a histogram of all xeb errors.
# `TwoQubitXEBResult` also has methods to retrieve errors.
print('pauli errors:', result.pauli_error())
print('xeb errors:', result.xeb_error(*qubits[:2]))
print('xeb fidelity:', result.xeb_fidelity(*qubits[:2]))
pauli errors: {(cirq.GridQubit(4, 3), cirq.GridQubit(4, 4)): 0.020188963144491985, (cirq.GridQubit(4, 3), cirq.GridQubit(5, 3)): 0.020050014274051627, (cirq.GridQubit(4, 4), cirq.GridQubit(5, 4)): 0.02005552054062911, (cirq.GridQubit(5, 3), cirq.GridQubit(5, 4)): 0.020035759933636106, (cirq.GridQubit(5, 3), cirq.GridQubit(6, 3)): 0.01997748973047827, (cirq.GridQubit(5, 4), cirq.GridQubit(6, 4)): 0.0199814269994103, (cirq.GridQubit(6, 3), cirq.GridQubit(6, 4)): 0.020102948524712318} xeb errors: 0.01615117051559356 xeb fidelity: 0.9838488294844064
The run_rb_and_xeb
method returns an object of type InferredXEBResult which is like TwoQubitXEBResult except that it removes the single-qubit errors obtained from the single-qubit randomized benchmarking (RB) experiment to isolate the error from the two qubit gate.
Step by step XEB
The rest of this notebook explains how the parallel_two_qubit_xeb
works internally. Note that the notebook uses SQRT_ISWAP
as the entangling gate while parallel_two_qubit_xeb
and run_rb_and_xeb
default to CZ
Set up Random Circuits
We create a library of 10 random, two-qubit circuits
using the sqrt(ISWAP) gate. These library circuits will be mixed-and-matched among all the pairs on the device we aim to characterize.
from cirq.experiments import random_quantum_circuit_generation as rqcg
circuit_library = rqcg.generate_library_of_2q_circuits(
# We will truncate to these lengths
max_depth = 100
cycle_depths = np.arange(3, max_depth, 20)
array([ 3, 23, 43, 63, 83])
Determine the device topology
We will run on all pairs from a given device topology. Below, you can supply a device_name
if you're authenticated to run on Google QCS. In that case, we will get the device object from the cloud endpoint and turn it into a graph of qubits. Otherwise, we mock a device graph by allocating arbitrary cirq.GridQubit
s to turn into a graph.
device_name = None # change me!
import cirq.contrib.routing as ccr
import networkx as nx
if device_name is None:
qubits = cirq.GridQubit.rect(3, 2, 4, 3)
# Delete one qubit from the rectangular arangement to
# 1) make it irregular 2) simplify simulation.
qubits = qubits[:-1]
sampler = cirq.DensityMatrixSimulator(noise=cirq.depolarize(5e-3))
graph = ccr.gridqubits_to_graph_device(qubits)
import cirq_google as cg
sampler = cg.get_engine_sampler(device_name, gate_set_name='sqrt_iswap')
device = cg.get_engine_device(device_name)
qubits = sorted(device.qubits)
graph = ccr.gridqubits_to_graph_device(device.qubits)
pos = {q: (q.row, q.col) for q in qubits}
nx.draw_networkx(graph, pos=pos)
Set up our combinations
We take the library of two-qubit circuits in circuit_library
and mix-and-match to sampled in parallel.
We will pass combs_by_layer
and circuit_library
to the sampling function which will "zip" the circuits according to these combinations. The outer list corresponds to the four cirq.GridInteractionLayer
s (one of four for the degree-four GridQubit-implied graph). The inner combinations
matrix is a (n_combinations, n_pairs)
ndarray of integers which index into the circuit library.
combs_by_layer = rqcg.get_random_combinations_for_device(
[CircuitLibraryCombination(layer=cirq.experiments.GridInteractionLayer(col_offset=0, vertical=True, stagger=True), combinations=array([[ 5, 16], [12, 9], [ 5, 18], [11, 3], [ 6, 9], [13, 3], [11, 6], [14, 12], [16, 10], [18, 15]]), pairs=[(cirq.GridQubit(4, 4), cirq.GridQubit(5, 4)), (cirq.GridQubit(5, 3), cirq.GridQubit(6, 3))]), CircuitLibraryCombination(layer=cirq.experiments.GridInteractionLayer(col_offset=1, vertical=True, stagger=True), combinations=array([[16], [ 3], [12], [ 0], [ 5], [ 5], [ 0], [ 7], [ 9], [12]]), pairs=[(cirq.GridQubit(4, 3), cirq.GridQubit(5, 3))]), CircuitLibraryCombination(layer=cirq.experiments.GridInteractionLayer(col_offset=1, vertical=False, stagger=True), combinations=array([[13], [ 8], [ 8], [13], [ 1], [11], [11], [ 8], [14], [14]]), pairs=[(cirq.GridQubit(4, 3), cirq.GridQubit(4, 4))]), CircuitLibraryCombination(layer=cirq.experiments.GridInteractionLayer(col_offset=0, vertical=False, stagger=True), combinations=array([[18], [16], [ 2], [ 6], [ 1], [ 9], [11], [ 1], [ 9], [ 6]]), pairs=[(cirq.GridQubit(5, 3), cirq.GridQubit(5, 4))])]
Here, we draw the four layers' active pairs.
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,2, figsize=(9,6))
for comb_layer, ax in zip(combs_by_layer, axes.reshape(-1)):
active_qubits = np.array(comb_layer.pairs).reshape(-1)
colors = ['red' if q in active_qubits else 'blue' for q in graph.nodes]
nx.draw_networkx(graph, pos=pos, node_color=colors, ax=ax)
nx.draw_networkx_edges(graph, pos=pos, edgelist=comb_layer.pairs, width=3, edge_color='red', ax=ax)
Take Data
The following call will execute the zipped circuits and sample bitstrings.
from cirq.experiments.xeb_sampling import sample_2q_xeb_circuits
sampled_df = sample_2q_xeb_circuits(
100%|██████████| 207/207 [00:53<00:00, 3.90it/s]
Benchmark Fidelities
from cirq.experiments.xeb_fitting import benchmark_2q_xeb_fidelities
fids = benchmark_2q_xeb_fidelities(
from cirq.experiments.xeb_fitting import fit_exponential_decays, exponential_decay
fidelities = fit_exponential_decays(fids)
heatmap_data = {}
for (_, _, pair), fidelity in fidelities.layer_fid.items():
heatmap_data[pair] = 1.0 - fidelity
for i, record in fidelities.iterrows():
plt.axhline(1, color='grey', ls='--')
plt.plot(record['cycle_depths'], record['fidelities'], 'o')
xx = np.linspace(0, np.max(record['cycle_depths']))
plt.plot(xx, exponential_decay(xx, a=record['a'], layer_fid=record['layer_fid']))
import seaborn as sns
# Give each pair its own color
colors = sns.cubehelix_palette(n_colors=graph.number_of_edges())
colors = dict(zip(graph.edges, colors))
# Exponential reference
xx = np.linspace(0, fids['cycle_depth'].max())
plt.plot(xx, (1-5e-3)**(4*xx), label=r'Exponential Reference', color='black')
# Plot each pair
def _p(fids):
q0, q1 = fids.name
plt.plot(fids['cycle_depth'], fids['fidelity'],
'o-', label=f'{q0}-{q1}', color=colors[fids.name], alpha=0.5)
plt.ylabel('Circuit fidelity')
plt.xlabel('Cycle Depth $d$')
/tmpfs/tmp/ipykernel_62064/2578408089.py:16: DeprecationWarning: DataFrameGroupBy.apply operated on the grouping columns. This behavior is deprecated, and in a future version of pandas the grouping columns will be excluded from the operation. Either pass `include_groups=False` to exclude the groupings or explicitly select the grouping columns after groupby to silence this warning. fids.groupby('pair').apply(_p)
Optimize PhasedFSimGate
We know what circuits we requested, and in this simulated example, we know what coherent error has happened. But in a real experiment, there is likely unknown coherent error that you would like to characterize. Therefore, we make the five angles in PhasedFSimGate
free parameters and use a classical optimizer to find which set of parameters best describes the data we collected from the noisy simulator (or device, if this was a real experiment).
import multiprocessing
pool = multiprocessing.get_context('spawn').Pool()
from cirq.experiments.xeb_fitting import (
# Set which angles we want to characterize (all)
options = SqrtISwapXEBOptions(
characterize_theta = True,
characterize_zeta = True,
characterize_chi = True,
characterize_gamma = True,
characterize_phi = True
# Parameterize the sqrt(iswap)s in our circuit library
pcircuits = [parameterize_circuit(circuit, options) for circuit in circuit_library]
# Run the characterization loop
characterization_result = characterize_phased_fsim_parameters_with_xeb_by_pair(
# ease tolerance so it converges faster:
{(cirq.GridQubit(5, 3), cirq.GridQubit(5, 4)): {'theta': -0.8364122197541215, 'zeta': 0.10927099121275088, 'chi': -0.07247436484802515, 'gamma': -0.01378408805483852, 'phi': 0.007962564978804997}, (cirq.GridQubit(4, 3), cirq.GridQubit(4, 4)): {'theta': -0.8439195716734764, 'zeta': -0.0934394053061198, 'chi': -0.0661168079879344, 'gamma': 0.04890729162349496, 'phi': -0.03245325718557878}, (cirq.GridQubit(4, 3), cirq.GridQubit(5, 3)): {'theta': -0.7550221711787288, 'zeta': 0.021487919328000676, 'chi': -0.022342155599282272, 'gamma': 0.007555814137304521, 'phi': -0.016492799334243007}, (cirq.GridQubit(4, 4), cirq.GridQubit(5, 4)): {'theta': -0.7783502734622642, 'zeta': 0.03230866800869249, 'chi': -0.02343453250192106, 'gamma': 0.010616174310203263, 'phi': 0.030993192718090284}, (cirq.GridQubit(5, 3), cirq.GridQubit(6, 3)): {'theta': -0.752861779848347, 'zeta': 0.008592019692430893, 'chi': -0.05432780786123384, 'gamma': -0.001050532938460243, 'phi': 0.03003016999592921} }
from cirq.experiments.xeb_fitting import before_and_after_characterization
before_after_df = before_and_after_characterization(fids, characterization_result)
for i, row in before_after_df.iterrows():
plt.axhline(1, color='grey', ls='--')
plt.plot(row['cycle_depths_0'], row['fidelities_0'], '*', color='red')
plt.plot(row['cycle_depths_c'], row['fidelities_c'], 'o', color='blue')
xx = np.linspace(0, np.max(row['cycle_depths_0']))
plt.plot(xx, exponential_decay(xx, a=row['a_0'], layer_fid=row['layer_fid_0']),
color='red', label=f'f_0 = {row["layer_fid_0"]:.3f}')
plt.plot(xx, exponential_decay(xx, a=row['a_c'], layer_fid=row['layer_fid_c']),
color='blue', label=f'f_c = {row["layer_fid_c"]:.3f}')
plt.xlabel('Cycle Depth')