Simulate a circuit
Compute the effects of a quantum circuit, by simulating a quantum computer with a classical one.
Exact Simulation
Simulate a perfectly noiseless quantum computer.
Noisy Simulation
Simulate a more realistic quantum computer, subject to error and noise.
Parameter Sweeps
Efficiently evaluate many circuits which only differ in operation parameter values.
State Histograms
Visualize the results of simulation as a histogram over basis states.
Quantum Virtual Machine
Run circuits on a virtual version of quantum hardware, complete with an identical interface and noisy simulation that mimics hardware devices.
Quantum Virtual Machine
Build and use a QVM with a virtual Engine and realistic noise model.
QVM Circuit Preparation
Prepare and run a circuit on a QVM in detail.
QVM Stabilizer Example
Run a stabilizer circuit on QVMs representing different devices and different noise.
QVM Creation Template
Run a device-ready circuit on a QVM with default settings.
Virtual Engine Interface
Details on the virtual version of the hardware Engine API and how to use it.