
This class supports running circuits on QCS quantum hardware as well as pyQuil's quantum virtual machine (QVM).

When sampling a parametric circuit across a parameter sweep, use RigettiQCSSampler instead.

This class also includes a number of convenience static methods for describing Rigetti quantum processors through the qcs_api_client.

quantum_computer A pyquil.api.QuantumComputer against which to run the cirq.Circuits.
executor A callable that first uses the below transformer on cirq.Circuit s and then executes the transformed circuit on the quantum_computer. You may pass your own callable or any static method on CircuitSweepExecutors.
transformer A callable that transforms the cirq.Circuit into a pyquil.Program. You may pass your own callable or any static method on CircuitTransformers.



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Retrieve the Instruction Set Architecture of a QuantumProcessor by ID. This includes site specific operations and native gate capabilities.

quantum_processor_id The identifier of the Rigetti QCS quantum processor.
client Optional; A QCSClient initialized with Rigetti QCS credentials and configuration. If not provided, qcs_api_client will initialize a configured client based on configured values in the current user's ~/.qcs directory or default values.

A qcs_api_client.models.InstructionSetArchitecture containing the device specification.


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Retrieve the calibration data used for client-side Quil-T generation.

quantum_processor_id The identifier of the Rigetti QCS quantum processor.
client Optional; A QCSClient initialized with Rigetti QCS credentials and configuration. If not provided, qcs_api_client will initialize a configured client based on configured values in the current user's ~/.qcs directory or default values.

A qcs_api_client.models.GetQuiltCalibrationsResponse containing the device calibrations.


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Retrieve a list of available Rigetti quantum processors.

client Optional; A QCSClient initialized with Rigetti QCS credentials and configuration. If not provided, qcs_api_client will initialize a configured client based on configured values in the current user's ~/.qcs directory or default values.

A qcs_api_client.models.ListQuantumProcessorsResponse containing the identifiers of the available quantum processors..


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Run the given circuit on the QuantumComputer with which the user initialized the service.

circuit The circuit to run.
repetitions The number of times to run the circuit.
param_resolver A cirq.ParamResolver to resolve parameters in circuit.

A cirq.Result.


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Initializes a cirq.Sampler object for invoking the sampler interface.

A cirq.Sampler for running on the requested quantum_computer.