XEB calibration: Example and benchmark

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This tutorial shows a detailed example and benchmark of XEB calibration, a calibration technique introduced in the Calibration: Overview and API tutorial.

Disclaimer: The data shown in this tutorial is exemplary and not representative of the QCS in production.


    import cirq
except ImportError:
    !pip install --quiet cirq~=1.0.dev

import cirq
from cirq.experiments import random_quantum_circuit_generation as rqcg
import cirq_google as cg

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import tqdm

Helper functions

Select qubits

First we select a processor and calibration metric(s) to visualize the latest calibration report.


Using this report as a guide, we select a good set of qubits.

# Select qubit indices here.
qubit_indices = [
    (2, 5), (2, 6), (2, 7), (2, 8), (3, 8), 
    (3, 7), (3, 6), (3, 5), (4, 5), (4, 6)  
qubits = [cirq.GridQubit(*idx) for idx in qubit_indices]

An example random circuit on these qubits (used as the forward operations of the Loschmidt echo) is shown below.

create_random_circuit(qubits, cycles=10, seed=1)

Set up XEB calibration

Now we specify the cycle depths and other options for XEB calibration below. Note that all cirq.FSimGate parameters are characterized by default.

xeb_options = cg.LocalXEBPhasedFSimCalibrationOptions(
    cycle_depths=(5, 25, 50, 100),

Run a Loschmidt echo benchmark

"""Setup the Loschmidt echo experiment."""
cycle_values = range(0, 40 + 1, 4)
nreps = 20_000
trials = 10

sampler = cg.get_engine_sampler(

loschmidt_echo_batch = [
    create_loschmidt_echo_circuit(qubits, cycles=c, seed=trial)
    for trial in range(trials) for c in cycle_values

Without calibration

First we run the Loschmidt echo without calibration.

# Run on the engine.
raw_results = sampler.run_batch(programs=loschmidt_echo_batch, repetitions=nreps)

# Convert measurements to survival probabilities.
raw_probs = np.array(
    [to_ground_state_prob(*res) for res in raw_results]
).reshape(trials, len(cycle_values))

With XEB calibration

Now we perform XEB calibration.

# Get characterization requests.
characterization_requests = cg.prepare_characterization_for_operations(loschmidt_echo_batch, xeb_options)

# Characterize the requests on the engine.
characterizations = cg.run_calibrations(characterization_requests, sampler)

# Make compensations to circuits in the Loschmidt echo batch.
xeb_calibrated_batch = [
    cg.make_zeta_chi_gamma_compensation_for_moments(circuit, characterizations).circuit
    for circuit in loschmidt_echo_batch
100%|██████████| 45/45 [00:46<00:00,  1.04s/it]
100%|██████████| 45/45 [01:50<00:00,  2.45s/it]
100%|██████████| 45/45 [01:00<00:00,  1.34s/it]
100%|██████████| 45/45 [02:24<00:00,  3.20s/it]

And run the XEB calibrated batch below.

# Run on the engine.
xeb_results = sampler.run_batch(programs=xeb_calibrated_batch, repetitions=nreps)

# Convert measurements to survival probabilities.
xeb_probs = np.array(
    [to_ground_state_prob(*res) for res in xeb_results]
).reshape(trials, len(cycle_values))

Compare results

The next cell plots the results.

plt.semilogy(cycle_values, np.average(raw_probs, axis=0), lw=3, label="No calibration")
plt.semilogy(cycle_values, np.average(xeb_probs, axis=0), lw=3, label="XEB calibration")

plt.ylabel("Survival probability")


A smaller (in magnitude) slope indicates lower two-qubit gate errors. You should see that XEB calibration produces lower errors than no calibration in the Loschmidt echo benchmark.