The Cirq Interface

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This file provides examples of how to use qsim with the Cirq Python library.

qsim is kept up-to-date with the latest version of Cirq. If you experience compatibility issues, please file an issue in the qsim or Cirq repository as appropriate.

Setting up

There are two methods for setting up the qsim-Cirq interface on your local machine: installing directly with pip, or compiling from the source code.


  • CMake: this is used to compile the C++ qsim libraries. CMake can be installed with apt-get install cmake.
  • Pybind: this creates Python wrappers for the C++ libraries, and can be installed with pip3 install pybind11.
  • Cirq.

Installing with pip

qsim can be installed with pip3 install qsimcirq. Alternatives (such as installing with Docker) can be found in the installation doc.

Compiling qsimcirq

  1. Clone the qsim repository to your machine, and navigate to the top-level qsim directory:
git clone
cd qsim
  1. Compile qsim using the top-level Makefile: make. By default, this will use Pybind to generate a static library with file extension .so in the qsimcirq directory.

  2. To verify successful compilation, run the Python tests:

make run-py-tests

This will run qsimcirq_test, which invokes qsim through the qsim-Cirq interface.

Interface design and operations

The purpose of this interface is to provide a performant simulator for quantum circuits defined in Cirq.


The interface includes QSimSimulator and QSimhSimulator which communicate through a Pybind11 interface with qsim. The simulator accepts cirq.Circuit objects, which it wraps as QSimCircuit to enforce architectural constraints (such as decomposing to qsim-supported gate sets).

Usage procedure

We begin by defining a Cirq circuit which we want to simulate.

my_circuit = cirq.Circuit()

This circuit can then be simulated using either QSimSimulator or QSimhSimulator, depending on the desired output.


QSimSimulator uses a Schrödinger full state-vector simulator, suitable for acquiring the complete state of a reasonably-sized circuit (~25 qubits on an average PC, or up to 40 qubits on high-performance VMs).

Options for the simulator, including number of threads and verbosity, can be set with the qsim_options field, which accepts a QSimOptions object as defined in These options can also be passed as a {str: val} dict, using the format described by that class.

# equivalent to {'t': 8, 'v': 0}
qsim_options = qsimcirq.QSimOptions(cpu_threads=8, verbosity=0)
my_sim = qsimcirq.QSimSimulator(qsim_options)
myres = my_sim.simulate(program=my_circuit)

Alternatively, by using the compute_amplitudes method QSimSimulator can produce amplitudes for specific output bitstrings:

my_sim = qsimcirq.QSimSimulator()
myres = my_sim.compute_amplitudes(program=my_circuit,
                                  bitstrings=[0b00, 0b01, 0b10, 0b11])

In the above example, the simulation is performed for the specified bitstrings of length 2. All the bitstring lengths should be equal to the number of qubits in qsim_circuit. Otherwise, BitstringsFromStream will raise an error.

Finally, to retrieve sample measurements the run method can be used. This requires the circuit to have measurements to sample from, else an error will be raised.

my_sim = qsimcirq.QSimSimulator()
myres =

This method may be more efficient if the final state vector is very large, as it only returns a bitstring produced by sampling from the final state. It also allows intermediate measurements to be applied to the circuit.

Note that requesting multiple repetitions with the run method will execute the circuit once for each repetition unless all measurements are terminal. This ensures that nondeterminism from intermediate measurements is properly reflected in the results.

In rare cases when the state vector and gate matrices have many zero entries (denormal numbers), a significant performance slowdown can occur. Set the denormals_are_zeros option to True to prevent this issue potentially at the cost of a tiny precision loss:

# equivalent to {'t': 8, 'v': 0, 'z': True}
qsim_options = qsimcirq.QSimOptions(cpu_threads=8, verbosity=0, denormals_are_zeros=True)
my_sim = qsimcirq.QSimSimulator(qsim_options)
myres = my_sim.simulate(program=my_circuit)


QSimhSimulator uses a hybrid Schrödinger-Feynman simulator. This limits it to returning amplitudes for specific output bitstrings, but raises its upper bound on number of qubits simulated (50+ qubits, depending on depth).

To acquire amplitudes for all output bitstrings of length 2:

qsimh_options = {
    'k': [0],
    'w': 0,
    'p': 0,
    'r': 2
my_sim = qsimcirq.QSimhSimulator(qsimh_options)
myres = my_sim.compute_amplitudes(program=my_circuit,
                                  bitstrings=[0b00, 0b01, 0b10, 0b11])

As with QSimSimulator, the options follow the flag format for qsimh_base outlined in the usage docs.

Additional features

The qsim-Cirq interface supports arbitrary gates and circuit parameterization. Additionally, GPU execution of circuits can be requested if GPUs are available.

Gate decompositions

Circuits received by qsimcirq are automatically decomposed into the qsim gate set if possible. This uses the Cirq decompose operation. Gates with no decomposition to the qsim gate set will instead attempt to be parsed as raw matrices, if one is specified.

Parametrized circuits

QSimCircuit objects can also contain parameterized gates which have values assigned by Cirq's ParamResolver. See the link above for details on how to use this feature.

GPU execution

QSimSimulator provides optional support for GPU execution of circuits, which may improve performance. In order to use this feature, qsim must be compiled on a device with the CUDA toolkit and run on a device with available NVIDIA GPUs.

Compilation for GPU follows the same steps outlined in the Compiling qsimcirq section. To compile with the NVIDIA cuStateVec library (v1.0.0 or higher is required), set the environmment variable CUQUANTUM_ROOT to the path to the cuStateVec library.

QSimOptions provides five parameters to configure GPU execution. use_gpu is required to enable GPU execution:

  • use_gpu: if True, use GPU instead of CPU for simulation.
  • gpu_mode: use CUDA if set to 0 (default value) or use the NVIDIA cuStateVec library if set to any other value.

If use_gpu is set and gpu_mode is set to 0, the remaining parameters can optionally be set to fine-tune StateSpace performance for a specific device. In most cases, the default values provide good performance.

  • gpu_state_threads: number of threads per CUDA block to use for the GPU StateSpace. This must be a power of 2 in the range [32, 1024].
  • gpu_data_blocks: number of data blocks to use for the GPU StateSpace. Below 16 data blocks, performance is noticeably reduced.