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Re-format single_amplitudes and double_amplitudes from ndarrays to lists.

single_amplitudes ndarray

[NxN] array storing single excitation amplitudes corresponding to t[i,j] * (a_i^\dagger a_j - H.C.)

double_amplitudes ndarray

[NxNxNxN] array storing double excitation amplitudes corresponding to t[i,j,k,l] * (a_i^\dagger a_j a_k^\dagger a_l - H.C.)

single_amplitudes_list list

list of lists with each sublist storing a list of indices followed by single excitation amplitudes i.e. [[[i,j],t_ij], ...]

double_amplitudes_list list

list of lists with each sublist storing a list of indices followed by double excitation amplitudes i.e. [[[i,j,k,l],t_ijkl], ...]