Module: openfermion.linalg.givens_rotations

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Givens rotations routines.


double_givens_rotate(...): Apply a double Givens rotation.

fermionic_gaussian_decomposition(...): Decompose a matrix into a sequence of Givens rotations and particle-hole transformations on the last fermionic mode.

givens_decomposition(...): Decompose a matrix into a sequence of Givens rotations.

givens_decomposition_square(...): Decompose a square matrix into a sequence of Givens rotations.

givens_matrix_elements(...): Compute the matrix elements of the Givens rotation that zeroes out one of two row entries.

givens_rotate(...): Apply a Givens rotation to coordinates i and j of an operator.

swap_columns(...): Swap columns i and j of matrix M.

swap_rows(...): Swap rows i and j of matrix M.