Module: openfermion.hamiltonians.jellium

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This module constructs Hamiltonians for the uniform electron gas.


dual_basis_jellium_model(...): Return jellium Hamiltonian in the dual basis of arXiv:1706.00023

dual_basis_kinetic(...): Return the kinetic operator in the dual basis of arXiv:1706.00023.

dual_basis_potential(...): Return the potential operator in the dual basis of arXiv:1706.00023

hypercube_grid_with_given_wigner_seitz_radius_and_filling(...): Return a Grid with the same number of orbitals along each dimension with the specified Wigner-Seitz radius.

jellium_model(...): Return jellium Hamiltonian as FermionOperator class.

jordan_wigner_dual_basis_jellium(...): Return the jellium Hamiltonian as QubitOperator in the dual basis.

plane_wave_kinetic(...): Return the kinetic energy operator in the plane wave basis.

plane_wave_potential(...): Return the e-e potential operator in the plane wave basis.

wigner_seitz_length_scale(...): Function to give length_scale associated with Wigner-Seitz radius.