Module: openfermion.utils.rdm_mapping_functions

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Mapping RDMs to other RDMs



map_one_hole_dm_to_one_pdm(...): Convert a 1-hole-RDM to a 1-RDM

map_one_pdm_to_one_hole_dm(...): Convert a 1-RDM to a 1-hole-RDM

map_particle_hole_dm_to_one_pdm(...): Map the particle-hole-RDM to the 1-RDM

map_particle_hole_dm_to_two_pdm(...): Map the 2-RDM to the particle-hole-RDM

map_two_hole_dm_to_one_hole_dm(...): Map from 2-hole-RDM to 1-hole-RDM

map_two_hole_dm_to_two_pdm(...): Map from the 2-hole-RDM to the 2-RDM

map_two_pdm_to_one_pdm(...): Contract a 2-RDM to a 1-RDM

map_two_pdm_to_particle_hole_dm(...): Map the 2-RDM to the particle-hole-RDM

map_two_pdm_to_two_hole_dm(...): Map from the 2-RDM to the 2-hole-RDM