
Base class for FermionOperator and QubitOperator.

A SymbolicOperator stores an object which represents a weighted sum of terms; each term is a product of individual factors of the form (index, action), where index is a nonnegative integer and the possible values for action are determined by the subclass. For instance, for the subclass FermionOperator, action can be 1 or 0, indicating raising or lowering, and for QubitOperator, action is from the set {'X', 'Y', 'Z'}. The coefficients of the terms are stored in a dictionary whose keys are the terms. SymbolicOperators of the same type can be added or multiplied together.

Adding SymbolicOperators is faster using += (as this is done by in-place addition). Specifying the coefficient during initialization is faster than multiplying a SymbolicOperator with a scalar.

actions tuple

A tuple of objects representing the possible actions. e.g. for FermionOperator, this is (1, 0).

action_strings tuple

A tuple of string representations of actions. These should be in one-to-one correspondence with actions and listed in the same order. e.g. for FermionOperator, this is ('^', '').

action_before_index bool

A boolean indicating whether in string representations, the action should come before the index.

different_indices_commute bool

A boolean indicating whether factors acting on different indices commute.

terms dict

key (tuple of tuples): A dictionary storing the coefficients of the terms in the operator. The keys are the terms. A term is a product of individual factors; each factor is represented by a tuple of the form (index, action), and these tuples are collected into a larger tuple which represents the term as the product of its factors.

constant The value of the constant term.



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Sums over SymbolicOperators.


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Eliminates all terms with coefficients close to zero and removes small imaginary and real parts.

abs_tol float

Absolute tolerance, must be at least 0.0


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Gets a list of operators with a few terms.

num_groups int

How many operators to get in the end.

operators [self.__class__]

A list of operators summing up to self.


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Gets a list of operators with a single term.

operators [self.__class__]

A generator of the operators in self.


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Returns: multiplicative_identity (SymbolicOperator): A symbolic operator u with the property that ux = xu = x for all operators x of the same class.


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Compute the induced p-norm of the operator.

If we represent an operator as \(\sum_{j} w_j H_j\) where \(w_j\) are scalar coefficients then this norm is \(\left(\sum_{j} \| w_j \|^p \right)^{\frac{1}{p} }\) where \(p\) is the order of the induced norm

order int

the order of the induced norm.


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Check if other (SymbolicOperator) is close to self.

Comparison is done for each term individually. Return True if the difference between each term in self and other is less than EQ_TOLERANCE

other SymbolicOperator

SymbolicOperator to compare against.


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Compute the many-body order of a SymbolicOperator.

The many-body order of a SymbolicOperator is the maximum length of a term with nonzero coefficient.



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Returns: additive_identity (SymbolicOperator): A symbolic operator o with the property that o+x = x+o = x for all operators x of the same class.


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Args: addend (SymbolicOperator): The operator to add.

sum (SymbolicOperator)


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For compatibility with Python 2.


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Approximate numerical equality (not true equality).


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Return self * multiplier for a scalar, or a SymbolicOperator.

multiplier A scalar, or a SymbolicOperator.

product (SymbolicOperator)

TypeError Invalid type cannot be multiply with SymbolicOperator.


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Return self!=value.


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Returns: negation (SymbolicOperator)


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Exponentiate the SymbolicOperator.

exponent int

The exponent with which to raise the operator.

exponentiated (SymbolicOperator)

ValueError Can only raise SymbolicOperator to non-negative integer powers.


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Args: addend (SymbolicOperator): The operator to add.

sum (SymbolicOperator)


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Return multiplier * self for a scalar.

We only define rmul for scalars because the left multiply exist for SymbolicOperator and left multiply is also queried as the default behavior.

multiplier A scalar to multiply by.

product A new instance of SymbolicOperator.

TypeError Object of invalid type cannot multiply SymbolicOperator.


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Args: subtrahend (SymbolicOperator): The operator to subtract.

difference (SymbolicOperator)


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Args: subtrahend (SymbolicOperator): The operator to subtract.

difference (SymbolicOperator)


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Return self / divisor for a scalar.

This is always floating point division.

divisor A scalar to divide by.

A new instance of SymbolicOperator.

TypeError Cannot divide local operator by non-scalar type.