
A mutable list of groups of operations to apply to some qubits.

Inherits From: AbstractCircuit

Used in the notebooks

Used in the guide Used in the tutorials

Methods returning information about the circuit (inherited from AbstractCircuit):

  • next_moment_operating_on
  • earliest_available_moment
  • prev_moment_operating_on
  • next_moments_operating_on
  • operation_at
  • all_qubits
  • all_operations
  • findall_operations
  • findall_operations_between
  • findall_operations_until_blocked
  • findall_operations_with_gate_type
  • reachable_frontier_from
  • has_measurements
  • are_all_matches_terminal
  • are_all_measurements_terminal
  • unitary
  • final_state_vector
  • to_text_diagram
  • to_text_diagram_drawer
  • qid_shape
  • all_measurement_key_names
  • to_quil
  • to_qasm
  • save_qasm
  • get_independent_qubit_sets

Methods for mutation:

  • insert
  • append
  • insert_into_range
  • clear_operations_touching
  • batch_insert
  • batch_remove
  • batch_insert_into
  • insert_at_frontier

Circuits can also be iterated over,

    for moment in circuit:

and sliced,

  • circuit[1:3] is a new Circuit made up of two moments, the first being circuit[1] and the second being circuit[2];
  • circuit[:, qubit] is a new Circuit with the same moments, but with only those operations which act on the given Qubit;
  • circuit[:, qubits], where 'qubits' is list of Qubits, is a new Circuit with the same moments, but only with those operations which touch any of the given qubits;
  • circuit[1:3, qubit] is equivalent to circuit[1:3][:, qubit];
  • circuit[1:3, qubits] is equivalent to circuit[1:3][:, qubits];

and concatenated,

  • circuit1 + circuit2 is a new Circuit made up of the moments in circuit1 followed by the moments in circuit2;

and multiplied by an integer,

  • circuit * k is a new Circuit made up of the moments in circuit repeated k times.

and mutated,

  • circuit[1:7] = [Moment(...)]

and factorized,

  • circuit.factorize() returns a sequence of Circuits which represent independent 'factors' of the original Circuit.

contents The initial list of moments and operations defining the circuit. You can also pass in operations, lists of operations, or generally anything meeting the cirq.OP_TREE contract. Non-moment entries will be inserted according to the specified insertion strategy.
strategy When initializing the circuit with operations and moments from contents, this determines how the operations are packed together. This option does not affect later insertions into the circuit.




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Returns the set of all measurement key names in this circuit.

Returns: FrozenSet of strings that are the measurement key names in this circuit.


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Returns an iterator over the operations in the circuit.

Returns: Iterator over cirq.Operation elements found in this circuit.


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Returns the qubits acted upon by Operations in this circuit.

Returns: FrozenSet of cirq.Qid objects acted on by all operations in this circuit.


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Appends operations onto the end of the circuit.

Moments within the operation tree are appended intact.

moment_or_operation_tree The moment or operation tree to append.
strategy How to pick/create the moment to put operations into.


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Check whether all of the ops that satisfy a predicate are terminal.

This method will transparently descend into any CircuitOperations this circuit contains; as a result, it will misbehave if the predicate refers to CircuitOperations. See the tests for an example of this.

predicate A predicate on ops.Operations which is being checked.

Whether or not all Operation s in a circuit that satisfy the given predicate are terminal. Also checks within any CircuitGates the circuit may contain.


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Whether all measurement gates are at the end of the circuit.

Returns: True iff no measurement is followed by a gate.


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Check whether any of the ops that satisfy a predicate are terminal.

This method will transparently descend into any CircuitOperations this circuit contains; as a result, it will misbehave if the predicate refers to CircuitOperations. See the tests for an example of this.

predicate A predicate on ops.Operations which is being checked.

Whether or not any Operation s in a circuit that satisfy the given predicate are terminal. Also checks within any CircuitGates the circuit may contain.


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Whether any measurement gates are at the end of the circuit.

Returns: True iff some measurements are not followed by a gate.


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Applies a batched insert operation to the circuit.

Transparently handles the fact that earlier insertions may shift the index that later insertions should occur at. For example, if you insert an operation at index 2 and at index 4, but the insert at index 2 causes a new moment to be created, then the insert at "4" will actually occur at index 5 to account for the shift from the new moment.

All insertions are done with the strategy cirq.InsertStrategy.EARLIEST.

When multiple inserts occur at the same index, the gates from the later inserts end up before the gates from the earlier inserts (exactly as if you'd called list.insert several times with the same index: the later inserts shift the earliest inserts forward).

insertions A sequence of (insert_index, operations) pairs indicating operations to add into the circuit at specific places.


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Inserts operations into empty spaces in existing moments.

If any of the insertions fails (due to colliding with an existing operation), this method fails without making any changes to the circuit.

insert_intos A sequence of (moment_index, new_op_tree) pairs indicating a moment to add new operations into.

ValueError One of the insertions collided with an existing operation.
IndexError Inserted into a moment index that doesn't exist.


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Removes several operations from a circuit.

removals A sequence of (moment_index, operation) tuples indicating operations to delete from the moments that are present. All listed operations must actually be present or the edit will fail (without making any changes to the circuit).

ValueError One of the operations to delete wasn't present to start with.
IndexError Deleted from a moment that doesn't exist.


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Replaces several operations in a circuit with new operations.

replacements A sequence of (moment_index, old_op, new_op) tuples indicating operations to be replaced in this circuit. All "old" operations must actually be present or the edit will fail (without making any changes to the circuit).

ValueError One of the operations to replace wasn't present to start with.
IndexError Replaced in a moment that doesn't exist.


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Clears operations that are touching given qubits at given moments.

qubits The qubits to check for operations on.
moment_indices The indices of moments to check for operations within.


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Concatenates circuits, overlapping them if possible due to ragged edges.

Starts with the first circuit (index 0), then iterates over the other circuits while folding them in. To fold two circuits together, they are placed one after the other and then moved inward until just before their operations would collide. If any of the circuits do not share qubits and so would not collide, the starts or ends of the circuits will be aligned, according to the given align parameter.

Beware that this method is not associative. For example:

a, b = cirq.LineQubit.range(2)
A = cirq.Circuit(cirq.H(a))
B = cirq.Circuit(cirq.H(b))
f = cirq.Circuit.concat_ragged
f(f(A, B), A) == f(A, f(B, A))
len(f(f(f(A, B), A), B)) == len(f(f(A, f(B, A)), B))

*circuits The circuits to concatenate.
align When to stop when sliding the circuits together. 'left': Stop when the starts of the circuits align. 'right': Stop when the ends of the circuits align. 'first': Stop the first time either the starts or the ends align. Circuits are never overlapped more than needed to align their starts (in case the left circuit is smaller) or to align their ends (in case the right circuit is smaller)

The concatenated and overlapped circuit.


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Return a copy of this circuit.


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Finds the index of the earliest (i.e. left most) moment which can accommodate op.

Note that, unlike circuit.prev_moment_operating_on, this method also takes care of implicit dependencies between measurements and classically controlled operations (CCO) that depend on the results of those measurements. Therefore, using this method, a CCO op would not be allowed to move left past a measurement it depends upon.

op Operation for which the earliest moment that can accommodate it needs to be found.
end_moment_index The moment index just after the starting point of the reverse search. Defaults to the length of the list of moments.

Index of the earliest matching moment. Returns end_moment_index if no moment on left is available.


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Factorize circuit into a sequence of independent circuits (factors).

Factorization is possible when the circuit's qubits can be divided into two or more independent qubit sets. Preserves the moments from the original circuit. If this is not possible, returns the set consisting of the single circuit (this one).

q0, q1, q2 = cirq.LineQubit.range(3)
circuit = cirq.Circuit()
0: ───────@───H───
1: ───────@───────
2: ───H───────────
for i, f in enumerate(circuit.factorize()):
    print("Factor {}".format(i))

Factor 0
0: ───────@───H───
1: ───────@───────
Factor 1
2: ───H───────────

The sequence of circuits, each including only the qubits from one independent qubit set.


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Returns the state vector resulting from acting operations on a state.

This is equivalent to calling cirq.final_state_vector with the same arguments and this circuit as the "program".

initial_state If an int, the state is set to the computational basis state corresponding to this state. Otherwise if this is a np.ndarray it is the full initial state. In this case it must be the correct size, be normalized (an L2 norm of 1), and be safely castable to an appropriate dtype for the simulator.
qubit_order Determines the canonical ordering of the qubits. This is often used in specifying the initial state, i.e. the ordering of the computational basis states.
qubits_that_should_be_present Qubits that may or may not appear in operations within the circuit, but that should be included regardless when generating the matrix.
ignore_terminal_measurements When set, measurements at the end of the circuit are ignored instead of causing the method to fail. Defaults to False.
dtype The numpy.dtype used by the simulation. Typically one of numpy.complex64 or numpy.complex128.
param_resolver Parameters to run with the program.
seed The random seed to use for this simulator.

The state vector resulting from applying the given unitary operations to the desired initial state. Specifically, a numpy array containing the amplitudes in np.kron order, where the order of arguments to kron is determined by the qubit order argument (which defaults to just sorting the qubits that are present into an ascending order).

ValueError If the program doesn't have a well defined final state because it has non-unitary gates.


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Find the locations of all operations that satisfy a given condition.

This returns an iterator of (index, operation) tuples where each operation satisfies op_cond(operation) is truthy. The indices are in order of the moments and then order of the ops within that moment.

predicate A method that takes an Operation and returns a Truthy value indicating the operation meets the find condition.

An iterator (index, operation)'s that satisfy the op_condition.


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Finds operations between the two given frontiers.

If a qubit is in start_frontier but not end_frontier, its end index defaults to the end of the circuit. If a qubit is in end_frontier but not start_frontier, its start index defaults to the start of the circuit. Operations on qubits not mentioned in either frontier are not included in the results.

start_frontier Just before where to start searching for operations, for each qubit of interest. Start frontier indices are inclusive.
end_frontier Just before where to stop searching for operations, for each qubit of interest. End frontier indices are exclusive.
omit_crossing_operations Determines whether or not operations that cross from a location between the two frontiers to a location outside the two frontiers are included or excluded. (Operations completely inside are always included, and operations completely outside are always excluded.)

A list of tuples. Each tuple describes an operation found between the two frontiers. The first item of each tuple is the index of the moment containing the operation, and the second item is the operation itself. The list is sorted so that the moment index increases monotonically.


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Finds all operations until a blocking operation is hit.

An operation is considered blocking if both of the following hold:

  • It is in the 'light cone' of start_frontier.
  • is_blocker returns a truthy value, or it acts on a blocked qubit

Every qubit acted on by a blocking operation is thereafter itself blocked.

The notion of reachability here differs from that in reachable_frontier_from in two respects:

  • An operation is not considered blocking only because it is in a moment before the start_frontier of one of the qubits on which it acts.
  • Operations that act on qubits not in start_frontier are not automatically blocking.

For every (moment_index, operation) returned:

  • moment_index >= min((start_frontier[q] for q in operation.qubits if q in start_frontier), default=0)
  • set(operation.qubits).intersection(start_frontier)

Below are some examples, where on the left the opening parentheses show start_frontier and on the right are the operations included (with their moment indices) in the output. F and T indicate that is_blocker return False or True, respectively, when applied to the gates; M indicates that it doesn't matter.

    ─(─F───F───────    β”„(─F───F─)β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„
       β”‚   β”‚              β”‚   β”‚
    ─(─F───F───T─── => β”„(─F───F─)β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„
               β”‚                  β”Š
    ───────────T───    β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„

    ───M─────(─F───    β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„(─F─)β”„β”„
       β”‚       β”‚          β”Š       β”‚
    ───M───M─(─F───    β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„(─F─)β”„β”„
           β”‚        =>        β”Š
    ───────M───M───    β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„
               β”‚                  β”Š
    ───────────M───    β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„

    ───M─(─────M───     β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„()β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„
       β”‚       β”‚           β”Š       β”Š
    ───M─(─T───M───     β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„()β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„
           β”‚        =>         β”Š
    ───────T───M───     β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„
               β”‚                   β”Š
    ───────────M───     β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„

    ─(─F───F───    β”„(─F───F─)β”„
       β”‚   β”‚    =>    β”‚   β”‚
    ───F─(─F───    β”„(─F───F─)β”„

    ─(─F───────────    β”„(─F─)β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„
       β”‚                  β”‚
    ───F───F───────    β”„(─F─)β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„
           β”‚        =>        β”Š
    ───────F───F───    β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„(─F─)β”„
               β”‚                  β”‚
    ─(─────────F───    β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„(─F─)β”„

start_frontier A starting set of reachable locations.
is_blocker A predicate that determines if operations block reachability. Any location covered by an operation that causes is_blocker to return True is considered to be an unreachable location.

A list of tuples. Each tuple describes an operation found between the start frontier and a blocking operation. The first item of each tuple is the index of the moment containing the operation, and the second item is the operation itself.


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Find the locations of all gate operations of a given type.

gate_type The type of gate to find, e.g. XPowGate or MeasurementGate.

An iterator (index, operation, gate)'s for operations with the given gate type.


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Gets a frozen version of this circuit.

Repeated calls to .freeze() will return the same FrozenCircuit instance as long as this circuit is not mutated.


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Create a circuit from moment op trees.

*moments Op tree for each moment. If an op tree is a moment, it will be included directly in the new circuit. If an op tree is a circuit, it will be frozen, wrapped in a CircuitOperation, and included in its own moment in the new circuit. Otherwise, the op tree will be passed to cirq.Moment to create a new moment which is then included in the new circuit. Note that in the latter case we have the normal restriction that operations in a moment must be applied to disjoint sets of qubits.


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Divide circuit's qubits into independent qubit sets.

Independent qubit sets are the qubit sets such that there are no entangling gates between qubits belonging to different sets. If this is not possible, a sequence with a single factor (the whole set of circuit's qubits) is returned.

q0, q1, q2 = cirq.LineQubit.range(3)
circuit = cirq.Circuit()
0: ───────@───H───
1: ───────@───────
2: ───H───────────
[sorted(qs) for qs in circuit.get_independent_qubit_sets()]
[[cirq.LineQubit(0), cirq.LineQubit(1)], [cirq.LineQubit(2)]]

The list of independent qubit sets.


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Returns whether or not this circuit has measurements.

Returns: True if cirq.is_measurement(self) is True otherwise False.


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Inserts operations into the circuit.

Operations are inserted into the moment specified by the index and 'InsertStrategy'. Moments within the operation tree are inserted intact.

index The index to insert all the operations at.
moment_or_operation_tree The moment or operation tree to insert.
strategy How to pick/create the moment to put operations into.

The insertion index that will place operations just after the operations that were inserted by this method.

ValueError Bad insertion strategy.


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Inserts operations inline at frontier.

operations The operations to insert.
start The moment at which to start inserting the operations.
frontier frontier[q] is the earliest moment in which an operation acting on qubit q can be placed.

ValueError If the frontier given is after start.


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Writes operations inline into an area of the circuit.

start The start of the range (inclusive) to write the given operations into.
end The end of the range (exclusive) to write the given operations into. If there are still operations remaining, new moments are created to fit them.
operations An operation or tree of operations to insert.

An insertion index that will place operations after the operations that were inserted by this method.

IndexError Bad inline_start and/or inline_end.


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Applies the given function to all operations in this circuit.

func a mapping function from operations to OP_TREEs.

A circuit with the same basic structure as the original, but with each operation op replaced with func(op).


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Finds the index of the next moment that touches the given qubits.

qubits We're looking for operations affecting any of these qubits.
start_moment_index The starting point of the search.
max_distance The number of moments (starting from the start index and moving forward) to check. Defaults to no limit.

None if there is no matching moment, otherwise the index of the earliest matching moment.

ValueError negative max_distance.


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Finds the index of the next moment that touches each qubit.

qubits The qubits to find the next moments acting on.
start_moment_index The starting point of the search.

The index of the next moment that touches each qubit. If there is no such moment, the next moment is specified as the number of moments in the circuit. Equivalently, can be characterized as one plus the index of the last moment after start_moment_index (inclusive) that does not act on a given qubit.


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Finds the operation on a qubit within a moment, if any.

qubit The qubit to check for an operation on.
moment_index The index of the moment to check for an operation within. Allowed to be beyond the end of the circuit.

None if there is no operation on the qubit at the given moment, or else the operation.


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Finds the index of the previous moment that touches the given qubits.

qubits We're looking for operations affecting any of these qubits.
end_moment_index The moment index just after the starting point of the reverse search. Defaults to the length of the list of moments.
max_distance The number of moments (starting just before from the end index and moving backward) to check. Defaults to no limit.

None if there is no matching moment, otherwise the index of the latest matching moment.

ValueError negative max_distance.


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Get the qubit shapes of all qubits in this circuit.

Returns: A tuple containing the dimensions (shape) of all qudits found in this circuit according to qubit_order.


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Determines how far can be reached into a circuit under certain rules.

The location L = (qubit, moment_index) is reachable if and only if the following all hold true:

  • There is not a blocking operation covering L.
  • At least one of the following holds:
    • qubit is in start frontier and moment_index = max(start_frontier[qubit], 0).
    • There is no operation at L and prev(L) = (qubit, moment_index-1) is reachable.
    • There is an (non-blocking) operation P covering L such that (q', moment_index - 1) is reachable for every q' on which P acts.

An operation in moment moment_index is blocking if at least one of the following hold:

  • is_blocker returns a truthy value.
  • The operation acts on a qubit not in start_frontier.
  • The operation acts on a qubit q such that start_frontier[q] > moment_index.

In other words, the reachable region extends forward through time along each qubit in start_frontier until it hits a blocking operation. Any location involving a qubit not in start_frontier is unreachable.

For each qubit q in start_frontier, the reachable locations will correspond to a contiguous range starting at start_frontier[q] and ending just before some index end_q. The result of this method is a dictionary, and that dictionary maps each qubit q to its end_q.


If start_frontier is

    cirq.LineQubit(0): 6,
    cirq.LineQubit(1): 2,
    cirq.LineQubit(2): 2

then the reachable wire locations in the following circuit are highlighted with 'β–ˆ' characters:

        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11  12  13
    0: ───H───@β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ”€@───H───
              β”‚                                       β”‚
    1: ───────@β”€β–ˆβ–ˆHβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ@β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ”€@───H───@───────
                      β”‚                       β”‚
    2: β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ@β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆHβ–ˆβ–ˆβ”€@───────@───H───@───────────────
                              β”‚       β”‚
    3: ───────────────────────@───H───@───────────────────────

And the computed end_frontier is

    cirq.LineQubit(0): 11,
    cirq.LineQubit(1): 9,
    cirq.LineQubit(2): 6,

Note that the frontier indices (shown above the circuit) are best thought of (and shown) as happening between moment indices.

If we specify a blocker as follows:

is_blocker=lambda: op == cirq.CZ(cirq.LineQubit(1),

and use this start_frontier:

    cirq.LineQubit(0): 0,
    cirq.LineQubit(1): 0,
    cirq.LineQubit(2): 0,
    cirq.LineQubit(3): 0,

Then this is the reachable area:

        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11  12  13
    0: β”€β–ˆβ–ˆHβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ@β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ”€@───H───
              β”‚                                       β”‚
    1: β”€β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ@β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆHβ–ˆβ–ˆβ”€@───────────────────────@───H───@───────
                      β”‚                       β”‚
    2: β”€β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ”€@───H───@───────@───H───@───────────────
                              β”‚       β”‚
    3: β”€β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ”€@───H───@───────────────────────

and the computed end_frontier is:

    cirq.LineQubit(0): 11,
    cirq.LineQubit(1): 3,
    cirq.LineQubit(2): 3,
    cirq.LineQubit(3): 5,

start_frontier A starting set of reachable locations.
is_blocker A predicate that determines if operations block reachability. Any location covered by an operation that causes is_blocker to return True is considered to be an unreachable location.

An end_frontier dictionary, containing an end index for each qubit q mapped to a start index by the given start_frontier dictionary.

To determine if a location (q, i) was reachable, you can use this expression:

q in start_frontier and start_frontier[q] <= i < end_frontier[q]

where i is the moment index, q is the qubit, and end_frontier is the result of this method.


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Save a QASM file equivalent to the circuit.

file_path The location of the file where the qasm will be written.
header A multi-line string that is placed in a comment at the top of the QASM. Defaults to a cirq version specifier.
precision Number of digits to use when representing numbers.
qubit_order Determines how qubits are ordered in the QASM register.


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Returns QASM equivalent to the circuit.

header A multi-line string that is placed in a comment at the top of the QASM. Defaults to a cirq version specifier.
precision Number of digits to use when representing numbers.
qubit_order Determines how qubits are ordered in the QASM register.


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Returns text containing a diagram describing the circuit.

use_unicode_characters Determines if unicode characters are allowed (as opposed to ascii-only diagrams).
transpose Arranges qubit wires vertically instead of horizontally.
include_tags Whether tags on TaggedOperations should be printed
precision Number of digits to display in text diagram
qubit_order Determines how qubits are ordered in the diagram.

The text diagram.


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Returns a TextDiagramDrawer with the circuit drawn into it.

use_unicode_characters Determines if unicode characters are allowed (as opposed to ascii-only diagrams).
qubit_namer Names qubits in diagram. Defaults to using _circuit_diagraminfo or str.
transpose Arranges qubit wires vertically instead of horizontally.
include_tags Whether to include tags in the operation.
draw_moment_groups Whether to draw moment symbol or not
precision Number of digits to use when representing numbers.
qubit_order Determines how qubits are ordered in the diagram.
get_circuit_diagram_info Gets circuit diagram info. Defaults to protocol with fallback.

The TextDiagramDrawer instance.


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Returns the same circuit, but with different qubits.

qubit_map A function or a dict mapping each current qubit into a desired new qubit.

The receiving circuit but with qubits transformed by the given function.

TypeError If qubit_function is not a function or a dict.


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Creates a Circuit from this circuit.

copy If True and 'self' is a Circuit, returns a copy that circuit.


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Converts the circuit into a unitary matrix, if possible.

Returns the same result as cirq.unitary, but provides more options.

qubit_order Determines how qubits are ordered when passing matrices into np.kron.
qubits_that_should_be_present Qubits that may or may not appear in operations within the circuit, but that should be included regardless when generating the matrix.
ignore_terminal_measurements When set, measurements at the end of the circuit are ignored instead of causing the method to fail.
dtype The numpy dtype for the returned unitary. Defaults to np.complex128. Specifying np.complex64 will run faster at the cost of precision. dtype must be a complex np.dtype, unless all operations in the circuit have unitary matrices with exclusively real coefficients (e.g. an H + TOFFOLI circuit).

A (possibly gigantic) 2d numpy array corresponding to a matrix equivalent to the circuit's effect on a quantum state.

ValueError The circuit contains measurement gates that are not ignored.
TypeError The circuit contains gates that don't have a known unitary matrix, e.g. gates parameterized by a Symbol.


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Make a noisy version of the circuit.

noise The noise model to use. This describes the kind of noise to add to the circuit.

A new circuit with the same moment structure but with new moments inserted where needed when more than one noisy operation is generated for an input operation. Emptied moments are removed.


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Combines operations from circuits in a moment-by-moment fashion.

Moment k of the resulting circuit will have all operations from moment k of each of the given circuits.

When the given circuits have different lengths, the shorter circuits are implicitly padded with empty moments. This differs from the behavior of python's built-in zip function, which would instead truncate the longer circuits.

The zipped circuits can't have overlapping operations occurring at the same moment index.

*circuits The circuits to merge together.
align The alignment for the zip, see cirq.Alignment.

The merged circuit.

ValueError If the zipped circuits have overlapping operations occurring at the same moment index.


import cirq
a, b, c, d = cirq.LineQubit.range(4)
circuit1 = cirq.Circuit(cirq.H(a), cirq.CNOT(a, b))
circuit2 = cirq.Circuit(cirq.X(c), cirq.Y(c), cirq.Z(c))
circuit3 = cirq.Circuit(cirq.Moment(), cirq.Moment(cirq.S(d)))
0: ───H───@───────
1: ───────X───────
2: ───X───Y───Z───
print(, circuit3))
0: ───H───@───────
1: ───────X───────
2: ───X───Y───Z───
3: ───────S───────
print(, circuit2, circuit1))
0: ───H───@───────
1: ───────X───────
2: ───X───Y───Z───
3: ───────S───────


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Return self==value.


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Return self!=value.


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A circuit raised to a power, only valid for exponent -1, the inverse.

This will fail if anything other than -1 is passed to the Circuit by returning NotImplemented. Otherwise this will return the inverse circuit, which is the circuit with its moment order reversed and for every moment all the moment's operations are replaced by its inverse. If any of the operations do not support inverse, NotImplemented will be returned.


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