
High performance left-multiplication of a unitary effect onto a tensor.

Applies the unitary effect of unitary_value to the tensor specified in args by using the following strategies:

A. Try to use unitary_value._apply_unitary_(args). Case a) Method not present or returns NotImplemented. Continue to next strategy. Case b) Method returns None. Conclude unitary_value has no unitary effect. Case c) Method returns a numpy array. Forward the successful result to the caller.

B. Try to use unitary_value._unitary_(). Case a) Method not present or returns NotImplemented. Continue to next strategy. Case b) Method returns None. Conclude unitary_value has no unitary effect. Case c) Method returns a numpy array. Multiply the matrix onto the target tensor and return to the caller.

C. Try to use unitary_value._decompose_() (if allow_decompose). Case a) Method not present or returns NotImplemented or None. Continue to next strategy. Case b) Method returns an OP_TREE. Delegate to cirq.apply_unitaries.

D. Conclude that unitary_value has no unitary effect.

The order that the strategies are tried depends on the number of qubits being operated on. For small numbers of qubits (4 or less) the order is ABCD. For larger numbers of qubits the order is ACBD (because it is expected that decomposing will outperform generating the raw matrix).

unitary_value The value with a unitary effect to apply to the target.
args A mutable cirq.ApplyUnitaryArgs object describing the target tensor, available workspace, and axes to operate on. The attributes of this object will be mutated as part of computing the result.
default What should be returned if unitary_value doesn't have a unitary effect. If not specified, a TypeError is raised instead of returning a default value.
allow_decompose Defaults to True. If set to False, and applying the unitary effect requires decomposing the object, the method will pretend the object has no unitary effect.

If the receiving object does not have a unitary effect, then the specified default value is returned (or a TypeError is raised). If this occurs, then target_tensor should not have been mutated.

Otherwise the result is the np.ndarray instance storing the result. This may be args.target_tensor, args.available_workspace, or some other numpy array. It is the caller's responsibility to correctly handle all three of these cases. In all cases args.target_tensor and args.available_buffer may have been mutated.

TypeError unitary_value doesn't have a unitary effect and default wasn't specified.