
Runs programs via the Quantum Engine API.

Inherits From: AbstractEngine

This class has methods for creating programs and jobs that execute on Quantum Engine:

  • create_program
  • run
  • run_sweep

Another set of methods return information about programs and jobs that have been previously created on the Quantum Engine, as well as metadata about available processors:

  • get_program
  • list_processors
  • get_processor

project_id A project_id string of the Google Cloud Project to use. API interactions will be attributed to this project and any resources created will be owned by the project. See
proto_version The version of cirq protos to use. If None, then ProtoVersion.V2 will be used.
service_args A dictionary of arguments that can be used to configure options on the underlying client.
verbose Suppresses stderr messages when set to False. Default is true.
timeout Timeout for polling for results, in seconds. Default is to never timeout.
context Engine configuration and context to use. For most users this should never be specified.

ValueError If context is provided and one of proto_version, service_args, or verbose.



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Wraps a Circuit for use with the Quantum Engine.

program The Circuit to execute.
program_id A user-provided identifier for the program. This must be unique within the Google Cloud project being used. If this parameter is not provided, a random id of the format 'prog-################YYMMDD' will be generated, where # is alphanumeric and YYMMDD is the current year, month, and day.
description An optional description to set on the program.
labels Optional set of labels to set on the program.

A EngineProgram for the newly created program.

ValueError If no gate set is provided.


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Wraps a Circuit for use with the Quantum Engine.

program The Circuit to execute.
program_id A user-provided identifier for the program. This must be unique within the Google Cloud project being used. If this parameter is not provided, a random id of the format 'prog-################YYMMDD' will be generated, where # is alphanumeric and YYMMDD is the current year, month, and day.
description An optional description to set on the program.
labels Optional set of labels to set on the program.

A EngineProgram for the newly created program.

ValueError If no gate set is provided.


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Returns an EngineProcessor for a Quantum Engine processor.

processor_id The processor unique identifier.

A EngineProcessor for the processor.


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Returns an EngineProgram for an existing Quantum Engine program.

program_id Unique ID of the program within the parent project.

A EngineProgram for the program.


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Returns a sampler backed by the engine.

processor_id String identifier of which processor should be used to sample.
run_name A unique identifier representing an automation run for the processor. An Automation Run contains a collection of device configurations for the processor.
device_config_name An identifier used to select the processor configuration utilized to run the job. A configuration identifies the set of available qubits, couplers, and supported gates in the processor.

A cirq.Sampler instance (specifically a engine_sampler.ProcessorSampler that will send circuits to the Quantum Computing Service when sampled.

ValueError if a list of processors is provided. This is no longer supported.


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Returns the list of jobs in the project.

All historical jobs can be retrieved using this method and filtering options are available too, to narrow down the search baesd on:

  • creation time
  • job labels
  • execution states

created_after retrieve jobs that were created after this date or time.
created_before retrieve jobs that were created after this date or time.
has_labels retrieve jobs that have labels on them specified by this dict. If the value is set to *, filters having the label regardless of the label value will be filtered. For example, to query programs that have the shape label and have the color label with value red can be queried using

{'color': 'red', 'shape':'*'}

execution_states retrieve jobs that have an execution state that is contained in execution_states. See quantum.ExecutionStatus.State enum for accepted values.


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Returns the list of jobs in the project.

All historical jobs can be retrieved using this method and filtering options are available too, to narrow down the search baesd on:

  • creation time
  • job labels
  • execution states

created_after retrieve jobs that were created after this date or time.
created_before retrieve jobs that were created after this date or time.
has_labels retrieve jobs that have labels on them specified by this dict. If the value is set to *, filters having the label regardless of the label value will be filtered. For example, to query programs that have the shape label and have the color label with value red can be queried using

{'color': 'red', 'shape':'*'}

execution_states retrieve jobs that have an execution state that is contained in execution_states. See quantum.ExecutionStatus.State enum for accepted values.


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Returns a list of Processors that the user has visibility to in the current Engine project. The names of these processors are used to identify devices when scheduling jobs and gathering calibration metrics.

A list of EngineProcessors to access status, device and calibration information.


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Returns a list of Processors that the user has visibility to in the current Engine project. The names of these processors are used to identify devices when scheduling jobs and gathering calibration metrics.

A list of EngineProcessors to access status, device and calibration information.


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Returns a list of previously executed quantum programs.

created_after retrieve programs that were created after this date or time.
created_before retrieve programs that were created after this date or time.
has_labels retrieve programs that have labels on them specified by this dict. If the value is set to *, filters having the label regardless of the label value will be filtered. For example, to query programs that have the shape label and have the color label with value red can be queried using {'color: red', 'shape:*'}


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Returns a list of previously executed quantum programs.

created_after retrieve programs that were created after this date or time.
created_before retrieve programs that were created after this date or time.
has_labels retrieve programs that have labels on them specified by this dict. If the value is set to *, filters having the label regardless of the label value will be filtered. For example, to query programs that have the shape label and have the color label with value red can be queried using {'color: red', 'shape:*'}


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Runs the supplied Circuit via Quantum Engine.

program The Circuit to execute. If a circuit is provided, a moment by moment schedule will be used.
program_id A user-provided identifier for the program. This must be unique within the Google Cloud project being used. If this parameter is not provided, a random id of the format 'prog-################YYMMDD' will be generated, where # is alphanumeric and YYMMDD is the current year, month, and day.
job_id Job identifier to use. If this is not provided, a random id of the format 'job-################YYMMDD' will be generated, where # is alphanumeric and YYMMDD is the current year, month, and day.
param_resolver Parameters to run with the program.
repetitions The number of repetitions to simulate.
program_description An optional description to set on the program.
program_labels Optional set of labels to set on the program.
job_description An optional description to set on the job.
job_labels Optional set of labels to set on the job.
processor_id Processor id for running the program.
run_name A unique identifier representing an automation run for the specified processor. An Automation Run contains a collection of device configurations for a processor. If specified, processor_id is required to be set.
device_config_name An identifier used to select the processor configuration utilized to run the job. A configuration identifies the set of available qubits, couplers, and supported gates in the processor. If specified, processor_id is required to be set.

A single Result for this run.

ValueError If no gate set is provided.
ValueError If only one of run_name and device_config_name are specified.
ValueError If either run_name and device_config_name are set but processor_id is empty.


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Runs the supplied Circuit via Quantum Engine.

In contrast to run, this runs across multiple parameter sweeps, and does not block until a result is returned.

program The Circuit to execute. If a circuit is provided, a moment by moment schedule will be used.
program_id A user-provided identifier for the program. This must be unique within the Google Cloud project being used. If this parameter is not provided, a random id of the format 'prog-################YYMMDD' will be generated, where # is alphanumeric and YYMMDD is the current year, month, and day.
job_id Job identifier to use. If this is not provided, a random id of the format 'job-################YYMMDD' will be generated, where # is alphanumeric and YYMMDD is the current year, month, and day.
params Parameters to run with the program.
repetitions The number of circuit repetitions to run.
program_description An optional description to set on the program.
program_labels Optional set of labels to set on the program.
job_description An optional description to set on the job.
job_labels Optional set of labels to set on the job.
processor_id Processor id for running the program.
run_name A unique identifier representing an automation run for the specified processor. An Automation Run contains a collection of device configurations for a processor. If specified, processor_id is required to be set.
device_config_name An identifier used to select the processor configuration utilized to run the job. A configuration identifies the set of available qubits, couplers, and supported gates in the processor. If specified, processor_id is required to be set.

An EngineJob. If this is iterated over it returns a list of TrialResults, one for each parameter sweep.

ValueError If no gate set is provided.
ValueError If only one of run_name and device_config_name are specified.
ValueError If either run_name and device_config_name are set but processor_id is empty.


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Runs the supplied Circuit via Quantum Engine.

In contrast to run, this runs across multiple parameter sweeps, and does not block until a result is returned.

program The Circuit to execute. If a circuit is provided, a moment by moment schedule will be used.
program_id A user-provided identifier for the program. This must be unique within the Google Cloud project being used. If this parameter is not provided, a random id of the format 'prog-################YYMMDD' will be generated, where # is alphanumeric and YYMMDD is the current year, month, and day.
job_id Job identifier to use. If this is not provided, a random id of the format 'job-################YYMMDD' will be generated, where # is alphanumeric and YYMMDD is the current year, month, and day.
params Parameters to run with the program.
repetitions The number of circuit repetitions to run.
program_description An optional description to set on the program.
program_labels Optional set of labels to set on the program.
job_description An optional description to set on the job.
job_labels Optional set of labels to set on the job.
processor_id Processor id for running the program.
run_name A unique identifier representing an automation run for the specified processor. An Automation Run contains a collection of device configurations for a processor. If specified, processor_id is required to be set.
device_config_name An identifier used to select the processor configuration utilized to run the job. A configuration identifies the set of available qubits, couplers, and supported gates in the processor. If specified, processor_id is required to be set.

An EngineJob. If this is iterated over it returns a list of TrialResults, one for each parameter sweep.

ValueError If no gate set is provided.
ValueError If only one of run_name and device_config_name are specified.
ValueError If either run_name and device_config_name are set but processor_id is empty.