
A serializable record mapping a processor_id and optional noise spec to a simulator-backed mock of cg.AbstractProcessor.

Inherits From: ProcessorRecord

processor_id The processor id we are emulating
noise_strength To do noisy simulation, set this to a positive float. The default of 0 will result in a noiseless state-vector simulation. If float('inf') is provided the simulator will be cirq.ZerosSampler. Otherwise, use a depolarizing model with this probability of noise.

processor_id Dataclass field
noise_strength Dataclass field



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Return a cirq.Device for the processor specified by this class.

The default implementation delegates to self.get_processor().


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Return a cg.SimulatedLocalProcessor for the specified processor_id.


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Return a cirq.Sampler for the processor specified by this class.

The default implementation delegates to self.get_processor().


Return self==value.

noise_strength 0