
A convenient description of an arbitrary two-qubit operation.

Any two qubit operation U can be decomposed into the form

U = g · (a1  a0) · exp((x·XX + y·YY + z·ZZ)) · (b1  b0)

This class stores g, (b0, b1), (x, y, z), and (a0, a1).

'An Introduction to Cartan's KAK Decomposition for QC Programmers'

global_phase g from the above equation.
single_qubit_operations_before b0, b1 from the above equation.
interaction_coefficients x, y, z from the above equation.
single_qubit_operations_after a0, a1 from the above equation.

global_phase g from the above equation.
single_qubit_operations_before b0, b1 from the above equation.
interaction_coefficients x, y, z from the above equation.
single_qubit_operations_after a0, a1 from the above equation.



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