
A qubit identified by name.

Inherits From: Qid

Used in the notebooks

Used in the tutorials

By default, NamedQubit has a lexicographic order. However, numbers within the name are handled correctly. So, for example, if you print a circuit containing cirq.NamedQubit('qubit22') and cirq.NamedQubit('qubit3'), the wire for 'qubit3' will correctly come before 'qubit22'.

name The name.
dimension The dimension of the qid's Hilbert space, i.e. the number of quantum levels.

dimension Returns the dimension or the number of quantum levels this qid has. E.g. 2 for a qubit, 3 for a qutrit, etc.



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Returns a range of cirq.NamedQubits.

The range returned starts with the prefix, and followed by a qubit for each number in the range, e.g.:

<pre class="devsite-click-to-copy prettyprint lang-py">
<code class="devsite-terminal" data-terminal-prefix="&gt;&gt;&gt;">cirq.NamedQubit.range(3, prefix=&#x27;a&#x27;)</code>
<code class="devsite-terminal" data-terminal-prefix="..."># doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE</code>
<code class="no-select nocode">    [cirq.NamedQubit(&#x27;a0&#x27;), cirq.NamedQubit(&#x27;a1&#x27;),</code>
<code class="no-select nocode">        cirq.NamedQubit(&#x27;a2&#x27;)]</code>
<code class="devsite-terminal" data-terminal-prefix="&gt;&gt;&gt;">cirq.NamedQubit.range(2, 4, prefix=&#x27;a&#x27;)</code>
<code class="no-select nocode">    [cirq.NamedQubit(&#x27;a2&#x27;), cirq.NamedQubit(&#x27;a3&#x27;)]</code>
<code class="no-select nocode">    </code>

*args Args to be passed to Python's standard range function.
prefix A prefix for constructed NamedQubits.

A list of NamedQubit\s.


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Raises an exception if dimension is not positive.

ValueError dimension is not positive.


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Returns a new qid with a different dimension.

Child classes can override. Wraps the qubit object by default.

dimension The new dimension or number of levels.


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Return self==value.


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Return self>=value.


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Return self>value.


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Return self<=value.


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Return self<value.


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Return self!=value.