
A Toffoli (doubly-controlled-NOT) that can be raised to a power.

Inherits From: InterchangeableQubitsGate, EigenGate, Gate

The unitary matrix of CCX**t is an 8x8 identity except the bottom right 2x2 area is the matrix of X**t:

\[ \begin{bmatrix} 1 & & & & & & & \\ & 1 & & & & & & \\ & & 1 & & & & & \\ & & & 1 & & & & \\ & & & & 1 & & & \\ & & & & & 1 & & \\ & & & & & & e^{i \pi t /2} \cos(\pi t) & -i e^{i \pi t /2} \sin(\pi t) \\ & & & & & & -i e^{i \pi t /2} \sin(\pi t) & e^{i \pi t /2} \cos(\pi t) \end{bmatrix} \]

exponent The t in gate**t. Determines how much the eigenvalues of the gate are phased by. For example, eigenvectors phased by -1 when gate**1 is applied will gain a relative phase of e^{i pi exponent} when gate**exponent is applied (relative to eigenvectors unaffected by gate**1).
global_shift Offsets the eigenvalues of the gate at exponent=1. In effect, this controls a global phase factor on the gate's unitary matrix. The factor is:

exp(i * pi * global_shift * exponent)

For example, cirq.X**t uses a global_shift of 0 but cirq.rx(t) uses a global_shift of -0.5, which is why cirq.unitary(cirq.rx(pi)) equals -iX instead of X.

ValueError If the supplied exponent is a complex number with an imaginary component.





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Returns a controlled XPowGate with two additional controls.

The controlled method of the Gate class, of which this class is a child, returns a ControlledGate with sub_gate = self. This method overrides this behavior to return a ControlledGate with sub_gate = XPowGate.


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The number of qubits this gate acts on.


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Returns an application of this gate to the given qubits.

*qubits The collection of qubits to potentially apply the gate to.

Returns: a cirq.Operation which is this gate applied to the given qubits.


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Returns a list of operations applying the gate to all targets.

*targets The qubits to apply this gate to. For single-qubit gates this can be provided as varargs or a combination of nested iterables. For multi-qubit gates this must be provided as an Iterable[Sequence[Qid]], where each sequence has num_qubits qubits.

Operations applying this gate to the target qubits.

ValueError If targets are not instances of Qid or Iterable[Qid]. If the gate qubit number is incompatible.
TypeError If a single target is supplied and it is not iterable.


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Returns a key that differs between non-interchangeable qubits.


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Checks if this gate can be applied to the given qubits.

By default checks that:

  • inputs are of type Qid
  • len(qubits) == num_qubits()
  • qubit_i.dimension == qid_shape[i] for all qubits

Child classes can override. The child implementation should call super().validate_args(qubits) then do custom checks.

qubits The sequence of qubits to potentially apply the gate to.

ValueError The gate can't be applied to the qubits.


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Creates a probabilistic channel with this gate.

probability floating point value between 0 and 1, giving the probability this gate is applied.

cirq.RandomGateChannel that applies self with probability probability and the identity with probability 1-p.


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Returns a LinearCombinationOfGates with this gate.

coefficient number coefficient to use in the resulting cirq.LinearCombinationOfGates object.

cirq.LinearCombinationOfGates containing self with a coefficient of coefficient.


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Call self as a function.


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