Module: cirq_rigetti.circuit_sweep_executors

A collection of CircuitSweepExecutor s that the client may pass to RigettiQCSService or RigettiQCSSampler as executor.


class CircuitSweepExecutor: A type definition for circuit sweep execution functions.


with_quilc_compilation_and_cirq_parameter_resolution(...): This CircuitSweepExecutor will first resolve each resolver in resolvers using cirq.protocols.resolve_parameters and then compile that resolved cirq.Circuit into native Quil using quilc.

with_quilc_parametric_compilation(...): This CircuitSweepExecutor will compile the circuit using quilc as a parameterized pyquil.api.QuantumExecutable and on each iteration of resolvers, rather than resolving the circuit with cirq.protocols.resolve_parameters, it will attempt to cast the resolver to a dict and pass it as a memory map to to pyquil.api.QuantumComputer.

without_quilc_compilation(...): This CircuitSweepExecutor will bypass quilc entirely, treating the transformed cirq.Circuit as native Quil.

Type Aliases


logger Instance of logging.Logger