
Decomposes a 2-qubit unitary into 1-qubit ops and XX/YY/ZZ interactions.

unitary_object The value to decompose. Can either be a 4x4 unitary matrix, or an object that has a 4x4 unitary matrix (via the cirq.SupportsUnitary protocol).
rtol Per-matrix-entry relative tolerance on equality.
atol Per-matrix-entry absolute tolerance on equality.
check_preconditions If set, verifies that the input corresponds to a 4x4 unitary before decomposing.

A cirq.KakDecomposition canonicalized such that the interaction coefficients x, y, z satisfy:

0  abs(z2)  y2  x2  π/4
if x2 = π/4, z2 >= 0

ValueError Bad matrix.
ArithmeticError Failed to perform the decomposition.

'An Introduction to Cartan's KAK Decomposition for QC Programmers'