
Constructs a Cirq circuit from Quirk's JSON format.

Used in the notebooks

Used in the tutorials

data Data parsed from quirk's JSON representation.
qubits Qubits to use in the circuit. See quirk_url_to_circuit.
extra_cell_makers Non-standard Quirk cells to accept. See quirk_url_to_circuit.
quirk_url If given, the original URL from which the JSON was parsed, as described in quirk_url_to_circuit.
max_operation_count If the number of operations in the circuit would exceed this value, the method raises a ValueError instead of attempting to construct the circuit. This is important to specify for servers parsing unknown input, because Quirk's format allows for a billion laughs attack in the form of nested custom gates.


    {"cols":[["H"], ["", "X"]]}
0: ───H───@───
1: ───────X───

The parsed circuit.

ValueError Invalid circuit URL, or circuit would be larger than max_operations_count.