
Partial implementation of AbstractProcessor using in-memory objects.

Inherits From: AbstractProcessor

This implements reservation creation and scheduling using an in-memory list for time slots and reservations. Any time slot not specified by initialization is assumed to be UNALLOCATED (available for reservation).

processor_id Unique string id of the processor.
engine The parent AbstractEngine object, if available.
expected_down_time Optional datetime of the next expected downtime. For informational purpose only.
expected_recovery_time Optional datetime when the processor is expected to be available again. For informational purpose only.
schedule List of time slots that the scheduling/reservation should use. All time slots must be non-overlapping.
project_name A project_name for resource naming.
project_id Project name of the processor.



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Creates a reservation on this processor.

start_time the starting date/time of the reservation.
end_time the ending date/time of the reservation.
whitelisted_users a list of emails that are allowed to send programs during this reservation (in addition to users with permission "quantum.reservations.use" on the project).

ValueError if start_time is after end_time.


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Returns the parent Engine object.

The program's parent Engine.

ValueError if no engine has been defined for this processor.


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Returns the start of the next expected down time of the processor, if set.


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Returns the expected the processor should be available, if set.


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Retrieve metadata about a specific calibration run.

calibration_timestamp_seconds The timestamp of the calibration in seconds since epoch.

The calibration data.


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Returns metadata about the current calibration for a processor.

The calibration data or None if there is no current calibration.


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Returns a Device created from the processor's device specification.

This method queries the processor to retrieve the device specification, which is then use to create a Device that will validate that operations are supported and use the correct qubits.

gate_sets An iterable of serializers that can be used in the device.

A cirq.Devive representing the processor.


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Returns a device specification proto for use in determining information about the device.

Device specification proto if present.


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Returns the latest calibration with the provided timestamp or earlier.


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Returns an AbstractProgram for an existing Quantum Engine program.

program_id Unique ID of the program within the parent project.

An AbstractProgram for the program.


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Retrieve a reservation given its id.


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Returns a sampler backed by the processor.

run_name A unique identifier representing an automation run for the processor. An Automation Run contains a collection of device configurations for the processor.
device_config_name An identifier used to select the processor configuration utilized to run the job. A configuration identifies the set of available qubits, couplers, and supported gates in the processor.


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Retrieves the schedule for a processor.

The schedule may be filtered by time.

from_time Filters the returned schedule to only include entries that end no earlier than the given value. Specified either as an absolute time (datetime.datetime) or as a time relative to now (datetime.timedelta). Defaults to now (a relative time of 0). Set to None to omit this filter.
to_time Filters the returned schedule to only include entries that start no later than the given value. Specified either as an absolute time (datetime.datetime) or as a time relative to now (datetime.timedelta). Defaults to two weeks from now (a relative time of two weeks). Set to None to omit this filter.
time_slot_type Filters the returned schedule to only include entries with a given type (e.g. maintenance, open swim). Defaults to None. Set to None to omit this filter.

Time slots that fit the criteria.


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Returns the current health of processor.


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Retrieve metadata about a specific calibration run.

earliest_timestamp The earliest timestamp of a calibration to return in UTC.
latest_timestamp The latest timestamp of a calibration to return in UTC.

The list of calibration data with the most recent first.


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Returns a list of previously executed quantum programs.

created_after retrieve programs that were created after this date or time.
created_before retrieve programs that were created before this date or time.
has_labels retrieve programs that have labels on them specified by this dict. If the value is set to *, filters having the label regardless of the label value will be filtered. For example, to query programs that have the shape label and have the color label with value red can be queried using {'color: red', 'shape:*'}


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Retrieves the reservations from a processor.

Only reservations from this processor and project will be returned. The schedule may be filtered by starting and ending time.

from_time Filters the returned reservations to only include entries that end no earlier than the given value. Specified either as an absolute time (datetime.datetime) or as a time relative to now (datetime.timedelta). Defaults to now (a relative time of 0). Set to None to omit this filter.
to_time Filters the returned reservations to only include entries that start no later than the given value. Specified either as an absolute time (datetime.datetime) or as a time relative to now (datetime.timedelta). Defaults to two weeks from now (a relative time of two weeks). Set to None to omit this filter.

A list of reservations.


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Removes a reservation on this processor.


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Runs the supplied Circuit on this processor.

program The Circuit to execute. If a circuit is provided, a moment by moment schedule will be used.
program_id A user-provided identifier for the program. This must be unique within the Google Cloud project being used. If this parameter is not provided, a random id of the format 'prog-################YYMMDD' will be generated, where # is alphanumeric and YYMMDD is the current year, month, and day.
job_id Job identifier to use. If this is not provided, a random id of the format 'job-################YYMMDD' will be generated, where # is alphanumeric and YYMMDD is the current year, month, and day.
param_resolver Parameters to run with the program.
repetitions The number of repetitions to simulate.
program_description An optional description to set on the program.
program_labels Optional set of labels to set on the program.
job_description An optional description to set on the job.
job_labels Optional set of labels to set on the job.
run_name A unique identifier representing an automation run for the processor. An Automation Run contains a collection of device configurations for the processor.
device_config_name An identifier used to select the processor configuration utilized to run the job. A configuration identifies the set of available qubits, couplers, and supported gates in the processor.

A single Result for this run.


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Runs the supplied Circuit on this processor.

program The Circuit to execute. If a circuit is provided, a moment by moment schedule will be used.
program_id A user-provided identifier for the program. This must be unique within the Google Cloud project being used. If this parameter is not provided, a random id of the format 'prog-################YYMMDD' will be generated, where # is alphanumeric and YYMMDD is the current year, month, and day.
job_id Job identifier to use. If this is not provided, a random id of the format 'job-################YYMMDD' will be generated, where # is alphanumeric and YYMMDD is the current year, month, and day.
param_resolver Parameters to run with the program.
repetitions The number of repetitions to simulate.
program_description An optional description to set on the program.
program_labels Optional set of labels to set on the program.
job_description An optional description to set on the job.
job_labels Optional set of labels to set on the job.
run_name A unique identifier representing an automation run for the processor. An Automation Run contains a collection of device configurations for the processor.
device_config_name An identifier used to select the processor configuration utilized to run the job. A configuration identifies the set of available qubits, couplers, and supported gates in the processor.

A single Result for this run.


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Runs the supplied Circuit on this processor.

In contrast to run, this runs across multiple parameter sweeps, and does not block until a result is returned. Args: program: The Circuit to execute. If a circuit is provided, a moment by moment schedule will be used. program_id: A user-provided identifier for the program. This must be unique within the Google Cloud project being used. If this parameter is not provided, a random id of the format 'prog-################YYMMDD' will be generated, where # is alphanumeric and YYMMDD is the current year, month, and day. job_id: Job identifier to use. If this is not provided, a random id of the format 'job-################YYMMDD' will be generated, where # is alphanumeric and YYMMDD is the current year, month, and day. params: Parameters to run with the program. repetitions: The number of circuit repetitions to run. program_description: An optional description to set on the program. program_labels: Optional set of labels to set on the program. job_description: An optional description to set on the job. job_labels: Optional set of labels to set on the job. run_name: A unique identifier representing an automation run for the processor. An Automation Run contains a collection of device configurations for the processor. device_config_name: An identifier used to select the processor configuration utilized to run the job. A configuration identifies the set of available qubits, couplers, and supported gates in the processor. Returns: An AbstractJob. If this is iterated over it returns a list of cirq.Result, one for each parameter sweep.


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Runs the supplied Circuit on this processor.

In contrast to run, this runs across multiple parameter sweeps, and does not block until a result is returned. Args: program: The Circuit to execute. If a circuit is provided, a moment by moment schedule will be used. program_id: A user-provided identifier for the program. This must be unique within the Google Cloud project being used. If this parameter is not provided, a random id of the format 'prog-################YYMMDD' will be generated, where # is alphanumeric and YYMMDD is the current year, month, and day. job_id: Job identifier to use. If this is not provided, a random id of the format 'job-################YYMMDD' will be generated, where # is alphanumeric and YYMMDD is the current year, month, and day. params: Parameters to run with the program. repetitions: The number of circuit repetitions to run. program_description: An optional description to set on the program. program_labels: Optional set of labels to set on the program. job_description: An optional description to set on the job. job_labels: Optional set of labels to set on the job. run_name: A unique identifier representing an automation run for the processor. An Automation Run contains a collection of device configurations for the processor. device_config_name: An identifier used to select the processor configuration utilized to run the job. A configuration identifies the set of available qubits, couplers, and supported gates in the processor. Returns: An AbstractJob. If this is iterated over it returns a list of cirq.Result, one for each parameter sweep.


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Sets the parent processor.


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Returns the list of processor supported program languages.


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Updates a reservation with new information.

Updates a reservation with a new start date, end date, or list of additional users. For each field, it the argument is left as None, it will not be updated.

reservation_id The string identifier of the reservation to change.
start_time New starting time of the reservation. If unspecified, starting time is left unchanged.
end_time New ending time of the reservation. If unspecified, ending time is left unchanged.
whitelisted_users The new list of whitelisted users to allow on the reservation. If unspecified, the users are left unchanged.

ValueError if reservation_id does not exist.