
Noise-defining properties for a superconducting-qubit-based device.

Inherits From: NoiseProperties

gate_times_ns Dict[type, float] of gate types to their duration on quantum hardware. Used with t(1|phi)_ns to specify thermal noise.
t1_ns Dict[cirq.Qid, float] of qubits to their T_1 time, in ns.
tphi_ns Dict[cirq.Qid, float] of qubits to their T_phi time, in ns.
readout_errors Dict[cirq.Qid, np.ndarray] of qubits to their readout errors in matrix form: [P(read |1> from |0>), P(read |0> from |1>)]. Used to prepend amplitude damping errors to measurements.
gate_pauli_errors dict of noise_utils.OpIdentifiers (a gate and the qubits it targets) to the Pauli error for that operation. Used to construct depolarizing error. Keys in this dict must have defined qubits.
validate If True, verifies that t1 and tphi qubits sets match, and that all symmetric two-qubit gates have errors which are symmetric over the qubits they affect. Defaults to True.

qubits Qubits for which we have data
gate_times_ns Dataclass field
t1_ns Dataclass field
tphi_ns Dataclass field
readout_errors Dataclass field
gate_pauli_errors Dataclass field
validate Dataclass field



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Returns the set of asymmetric two-qubit gates this class supports.


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Construct all NoiseModels associated with this NoiseProperties.


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Returns the set of all gates this class supports.


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Returns the set of single-qubit gates this class supports.


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Returns the set of symmetric two-qubit gates this class supports.


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Returns the set of all two-qubit gates this class supports.


Return self==value.

validate True